And when you only have so much left after that, why should you send your money to help the mother of your child? The court wants to do a investigation. Have your wife keep a copy with her as well. The last time you bought a $9 bottle of baby tylenol, and sacrificed everything on your to do list including sleep, just to monitor a fever and be prepared for an ER visit and accompanying copay? And my daughter told me he moved far away now and she says some weeks she dont see her dad. So what if the father moved away to Prescott Az when his daughter was 4 years old never contaced her or paid his child support not a penney I have filed against him several times they can never locate him. And now she is doing it again. This is crucial b/c now the officer knows you are wanting to be amicable, calm, collected, and just want visitation with your child(ren). It doesnt hurt but it sure does help when things go south. Good luck, Im going threw the same thing. Most child custody arrangements include a custody andparenting time/timesharing schedulethat outlines the time, place, and manner for child exchanges, but sometimes even this isn't enough. Theres court ordered papers and she can only call between 8am to 8pm. No Im not a bad dad I help with many other things above child support. Wants to change it every week to accommodate his drama. MIAMI - A manhunt is under way for a prisoner convicted in two violent sexual assaults who stabbed one of two police escorts and escaped in the Dallas . She has primary custody because, according to the state of Florida, I work too much. When your ex-wife violates the child custody or visitation order and denies your parenting time, many divorced dads wonder if they should immediately call the local police. You dont need a lawyer. Jerrad Ahrens licensed in NE and IA only. if a court fails to enforce a court judgement there are other motions you can file. Couldnt you have filed for emergency custody? She already took my thanksgiving time from me which was against the court order. Are you sure youre really aware of the entire situation? I HAVE 4 DISABLED KIDS. Why dont your children deserve new clothes, and trips to the expensive kids museums? Also, a majority of my extended family including my mother and both my sisters with their families, still live in and around my hometown. But, I was kidless that weekend. I changed the majority of 3 girls worth of diapers and never regretted one. He hasnt help with her at all. I have to move on with my life. Why does a white male have to pay to have visitation/ custody enforced? Can I call the police to have this order enforced?Thanx for response. Brian McClintock, 47, was also arrested. How do I go about not sending her anymore what do I do ?Now when he is ready to be a dad he flosses that support order around.. Not to mention he owes me like 10,000 back pay he doesnt pay his child support.. What do I do???? My ex had moved and taken my child with her and this time she has not updated her address with TAG. anything could happen but he would have to live in Illinois for six months and it there has been anything filed which Im guessing since you have sole legal custody there it is set with the court then he has to go to that county that all of this has tookin place in. Have a copy of your decree with you. Hi, my sons father filed for full custody a couple weeks ago and it was denied. The only thing that could make a difference is a blood test. All while going back more and more for child support, medical, etc , all while not working at all, but not caring about the fact that he has to live at poverty level and can barely afford to have them and do things with them. That has been refused. Because of domestic violence. once we got in court I had the option of having her arrested for violating the order of joint custody. The Thibodaux Police Department recently created a safe . how long can a human survive this???? This is parental alienation go back to court and get your son into therapy!! She suffers from bipolar/depression so its been hard dealing with her I need some help I try talking to lawyers but hasnt got anywhere please someone help me with correct facts on what I should do? Legally reviewed by Nicole Prebeck, Esq. Defendant did not pay court costs or did not give an a way of relief. Ive had a parenting agreement in place with my ex for 8 years now. And she sold our house,never gave me my share,move far away,lied. Who is to say what a father or non-custodial parent does with their time and money when they have the children. And all suggestions are welcome I have hire two lawyers over the past four years and they all say the same thing find her and it can be I forced. Its so you woman like you can play the I do everything card. And most of all its because you all know you are pocketing a majority of the inflated child support you are receiving and not spending it on the kids. They dont care about the children. I dnt have family in buffalo so I had no support system and no were to stay , I had file a police report on what happens in his home and the next day I had left to Florida. BRAD: I know this must be a scary situation your in but if you question it kidnapping then you already know deep down the answer my advice is to try to get along with ur ex the best you can file a motion for joint custody asap. Uugh I couldnt function without them. If I find anything on this same issue I will let you know but my boyfriend is currently going through exact same issue with his daughters mother. Ask yourself, aside from financial assistance, what else are you doing? My dilemma is that I have been offered a career in my hometown that is 384 miles from our current home but still within the state of Texas. Violating Child Custody Orders: Should You Call The Police? If you're dealing with complicated child custody issues,it's best to contact an experiencedchild custody lawyerwho can help you deal with any legal implications presented by your situation. I wish you were right Jasonbut here in Texas you would not be right. Are you at work and cant concentrate with sadness striking you? How many $5 bottles of childrens shampoo have you bought lately, or how about $6 boxes of dish detergent to run the dishwasher nightly? My daughters father just came on her life 3 years ago, but out of those 3 years she only seen him 4 times. This man is going to try turn his son into a criminal like himself. My son is now doing the same thing your step daughter is doing, refusing to come to visits, even sending me hateful text messages. Furthermore, I have just learned from my 14 yr old daughter and 15 yr old son, that every night they are with their father, he leaves them overnight in his apartment and goes and spends the night with his girlfriend at her apartment on the other side of town. Hed like him to come visit. I am trying to help him fill out a motion to enforce their child custody agreement that was put in place when he was divorced. You might have perfected the image of successful, over-worked man with only the best interests of his children in mind. My Girlfriends Criminal ExBoth my girlfriend and I have custody agreements with our respective exs, but the difference being that her ex is a drug dealer, and my ex is a white-collar manager. And if so should she be paying child support and should I hire a lawyer to try and get full or more custody? May 27, 2014 1:08 pm Comments are closed. I have gave the social services a copy of my proposed supervisors, 6 times via email, and they have ignored it. If you have a court approved parenting plan then you are legally obligated to follow it. In my case, it does apply to me as a father. I used to have unsupervised contact for eight years, 4 to 5 days a week, and once a fortnight sleeping over. The law doesnt work. Social services were very much against that, and always have been. he then does not return her, he removes her from school during his non placement time and keeps her for 3 to 4 days( no knowledge of where she is staying) . I THINK I JUST FELT A BRICK OFF MY HEART. When is the last time you buckled multiple carseat straps before you could run to the store for a couple of things? Funny how the remedys dont include Contempt of court and/or jail time like they do if you miss a child support payment. Many men do all of that on their time. his dad just recently Came back into his life 3months ago , he keeps saying hes gonna call the cops on me if my son isnt with him at 1pm we do have a court order im just wondering Take matters into your own hands. As a mother I suffer with all this and i cant force her to go, but under this circunstances i got no other choice but to keep her and shelter her is my duty as a mother to protect my child well been and her dad is only causing pain a griev with his behaivor. My ex husband has struggled to pay child support and is currently in arrears over $9000. Not to write books online about what it cost, whether time or money to take care of your own kids. What would the police arrest for if it came down to the wire and the parent refused to comply with what is written on the custody papers? Weve been searching since 2010! hes filed another molestation accusation on me to try and get full custody easier (my daughter has never been molested, especially in my care) hes been harassing me for two years. She left the state, to Mississippi that night. And I dont like him being over there with his new wifes son who has been abbusive to my son and has been kicked out of many schools. As much as I talk to her and try to tell her to go with her dad My seven year old is very scared of him and she doesnt want to go with him. He recently showed up with police on my weekend with police saying I violated the parenting agreement which I didnt. He threatens with the police to but Im ready to fight back in court. It's serious business when you try to deal with someone making false police reports, you need legal help. I plan to get an attorney, im sick of him thinking he has some power of my 15 old daughter that hates to be with him! Their mothers pleas for help and financial assistance have become nothing more than another creditor blowing up your phone and not worth your time or cost. I was a stay-at-home dad for 7 years and now I am being kept from my daughter without explanation period in Ohio the courts are not father friendly at all Ive even had a social worker tell me that they will always side on the side of the mother unless there is direct drug abuse involved around the child. If it was her making a support claim, and your named as dad on the certificate, guess what? Me too Im up to date with child support have not seen my child for 11 years now. Im going through this now, way more details and my ex husband is a known drug addict to the courts and is currently on Methadone. They are above the local police. And do I have to give her to his mother and boyfriend if my ex husband is not present? bsThe laws, police that enforce them and even the court is circa 1960s. I have two kids an 8 year old and A5 year old on April 26th 2016 me their father and their paternal grandfather went into an agreement stating that their father and I would have certain visitation in their Eternal grandfather would have custodial custody what the grandfather is refusing me my visitation rights or even a phone call Im in the custody order it states that I am to have their school records their medical records Im to be notified when they need emergency care he is not complying with the arrangement it was filed in Virginia the judge in Virginia seen it and signed off on it neither of us live in Virginia their paternal grandfather has ever lived in Virginia their father no longer lives in Virginia and I no longer live in Virginia if the custody Arrangement papers was not filed in a North Carolina Court are they still legal. And heaven forbid she start dating or have a boyfriend, isnt that his problem who pays his damn water bill then? He is a danger to our family. I dont know what to do about him constantly filing false reports against me. Maybe she shouldve just put up with your abuse, addiction, affair-filled, or just unhappy relationship, she wouldnt be a single mom now. I seem to be the only one who cares for her. the forst time he came to pick her up he scared her even more by saying things like your mother is going to strangle your sister and that he was going to call his police friends that alone intimidate and scared more my child so she was crying snd begging me to take her home with me. The mother had us jumped and beaten bad, well when it came time to court she lied . The boys have only been able to see their dad 8 to 10 hours a week on Sundays due to my exs job. Three weeks before leaving she has only told us his son has to be back a day earlier than we have booked. Do you know what insurance your child has? Get your child into counseling asap. So do it right the or dont bring children into this world. We can be dissatisfied about the way the police in a given country uses its prerogatives but the fact is that it can do something like that everywhere. So here goes . Will this work if Im not the biological father but been there since he was born and I signed his birth certificate? its actually sometimes the other way around also, unfortunatelyUnfortunate for all of us and the kids. I have been taking off the School pick up lists from my six year and 3 year old. I am a single mom who has made sure that I follow all the placements in the custodial order. No property in her name, no house phone in her name, no utilities in her name nothing I cant find her because she owns nothing! Dont give up. Same problemMy daughter 16 yo, the last time I had visitation was when she was 12yo. He abuses drugs and sells them. The email address cannot be subscribed. She refuses to give me her phone number in case of an emergency for our children and the only way she will communicate is through email. A work obligation? Shes been charged with child abandonment and found guilty of neglect by DCFS. There are other forms for more details. Mead has given him power now in his own mind that he is untouchable. im at the point in my life where my daughter is under my custody but try so hard to keep my family alive. out and away from custody. My sons father has visitation rights. you do mean MEN AND WOMEN right that find it difficult to understand. she will have no choice at that point. If you have a criminal backround you will probably be started off will supervised visits. Who gives him help when he has custody or visitation with the kids does the mother of the children give him weekend allowance to supply the needs as much as you need for kids. To know a persons future you first need to know there past. My husband is suppose to get his daughter one day during the week and every other weekend. The special guardian put a section 91 order against me for 3 years, not to put any application into court. Wasnt there for her birth. I paid my back pay child support and I still cannot see my son! If his intentions are trying to get custody can he go to the courts and be granted even though I have sole custody? Mothers are given so many chances by the courts but the fathers are always treated unfairly, So untrue I am a mother and have been wronged bc my ex is a dumb narcissistic meth headed gaslighter. There's a newly designated spot in Thibodaux to make online purchase and child custody exchanges a lot safer, police said. Basically, in all societies, there is a trade-off between individual freedoms and the public's interest in giving the police the means to enforce the law. He will not take them to the doctors when ill (strep and worse). We host a database of thousands of SafeExchangePoint locations across the country. My question is: What are my chances of a judge in Tarrant County granting my request for permission to relocate? My kids dad wont let me see or talk to my kids for four months and I have tried everything but no one is helping me to get my kids back. Police station child custody exchange: When you truly feel in danger and fear for the safety of your child, a police station is the ideal place for an exchange. Youve got all the reasons why you are only doing what you can, and why the mother of your child doesnt really need your help anyway. You can give me whatever legal jargon or quote whatever statue. Better get your butt back to court. I live 80 miles or more away, the mother says she will not allow the child to leave the night before. Once you have gotten all answers taken care of, you need to actually talk to an officer prior to picking up your child(ren). As he approached the truck, a gold or dark gray vehicle approached. Its Civil!!! That same thing happened to me. It does depend on the officer, but it also helps to be very calm and collected. I even bought my son a cell phone and of course his grandmother took it. What actions does he need to take? Doubtful. I am remarried and have a 5 year old son with my husband. My son got mad becasue threre was an unopened beer can on the table (which was leftover from this past weekend, and I didnt have kids that weekend.) Will u read my recent post and let us know what to Do? Remember this; all of this behavior will pass, just like a large kidney stone. Alberto Morales, 42, somehow obtained a sharp object and stabbed one of the officers once in the neck and three times in the back Monday night outside a Walmart in Grapevine, Texas, police said. Maybe if you told the judge you havent seen her or spoken to her and you are concerned for her welfare. I calmly get in my car & leave to avoid. The school has to have legal documentation on file as well from the court in order to be able to tell you that you cannot see her. We have an attorney but cant reach her . And I tryed to get my boys back but that failed. They are not only yours to claim when youre showing off how they have your eyes and how you treated them to ice cream one weekend. There must be something I can do. So, I am at a loss what to do. All Good parents need to stick together, whether male or female. My best advice to all of you is. Sometimes women keep them from that because once they see what child support would be (while they choose not to work) they say oh no I couldnt possibly live off of that! That would be considered kidnapping correct? I am in the same situation. Dont let some monster convince you otherwise. My ex took my son while we were still married and disappeared. These two parking spaces are also ideal for parents needing a neutral area for child custody exchange between parents. The only time I feel great is with my son. I havent seen my daughter in 2 months. How did the motion to enforce turn out? Divorce Tips For Men: What To Do With The House? FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. And youve got needs too. New Delhi, Feb 25 (PTI) The Delhi government has approached the Delhi High Court seeking direction on whether a prisoner on custody parole for several weeks or the government authorities need to. Days later they made it known that they were not going to give me back my son or let me see him and are continuing to withhold my son in a home that his father shares with his mother and my son has to sleep on the couch or in bed with his grandmother. Additional Public Prosecutor Amit Sahni, representing the state, sought direction the Gaur couple to pay Rs 10,64,055 towards the expenses or salaries of guards deployed with them during their . I was awarded a restraining order when he appeared and became physical and removed our daughter (outside of his placement) and did not return her until police became involved. We are learning that the law only works for people who follow it, and the police dont care. I think n think n think while I witness dawn become dusk n dusk become dark black empty night then it turns to dawn again right infront of these eyes. Your awesome, thus is the first piece of mind Ive acquired since my ex wife after abandoning me and our three children 109 & 7 three years ago, and she had some guy come from new York where she is and took them from theyre school. Your daughter needs counseling, but there also needs to be a psychological investigation for parental alienation, and an enforcement order. Dont let him get to your emotions, or create last minute chaos. I dont know what to do about him constantly filing false reports against me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); THIS IS AN ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT. Now what will you tell me? Phyllis MacCutcheon licensed in CT and NM only. I am worried about his environment at this point, so Im willing to go to any length. An exterior video security camera will record the "Safe Exchange Zone" 24 hours a day-7 days a week. I need someone to talk to and help asap # 929 230 2041. Never signed the bc or affidavit of parentage. Go back to court and report hes been absent and ask that the order be adjusted accordingly. Stop doing this to mothers and fathers people oh, it is not okay at all. Let me back track one moment by saying all of this was made possible by a dishonest process server. One day my sons grandmother (dads mom) picked my son up, made fun of me because due to an illness and months in the hospital I temporarily need a walker, she then belittled in front of my son she then took my crying son and left my home. What should I do? Your wife and daughter may have operated under aliases or Nick names and if you acquire that information it could help you locate them where they are now. Why is this so difficult for women to understand?! It does not pay to work with the father, Ive given more than most women and it did nothing other than to have his father steal my son from me and his fathers mother to tear me down in front of my son. And tonight he called me from a Tennessee number. Can my ex restart the child support even after two years of it being off? My ex violated that multiple times and isnt even informing me of our childrens medical needs. Think before responding. that county has jurisdiction of that minor of course unless he lies to the court. My last idea is to call the police as my contact order is in contempt. Why cant they join the clubs they want to, or attend the summer camps their friends are going to? She never told me, but notified the boys school so when I went to pick them up from school, the school would not release them to me. Definitely Mead because she actually said that the kids wishes should not be considered, she said that in her courtroom. Hi, I am married for almost 6 years and recently separated from my wife. Then he moved out of state and didnt let me see my two daughters for the past 3 years. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow you are not someone to gt advice from fathers do the same as mothers. That image is burning in my mind. It says he will have to give you back that missed time and pay your lawyer fees, so dont be scared. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. The divorce system is a farce that nobody wants to deal with. Can you outline for me how the motion should read to compel the judge to act? When is the last time you had to remember yet another password to log into a school website and pay for your childs $1.50 per day school lunch allowances? (such as child abuse or neglect) We cant cuff them and throw them into your minivan. Ive left most of my things there. Immediately call your lawyer and report the violation. I know that my ex husband is unable to provide for our two sons, but I also know he would fight my request to the courts for relocation. Chicago police said at about 3 p.m., a 38-year-old male armored truck guard left a business at the strip mall. Contact a qualified child custody attorney to make sure your rights are protected. Bring a neutral third party with you. You do not know everyones circumstance nor can you pass judgment on those who have opinions of the child support system. In our court order it states that we cant take the child out of state with out permission from the other parent and she cant stay with other over night male guest unless they are family but I know she stays at his mothers how with her and her boyfriend pretty much the whole week by what she tells me. My bf has been denied his court ordered (scheduled) visitation by the mom. Wow, sorry to hear that. What about the name of their teacher? I am afraid one day i will be arrested and my son will see me hauled off in hand cuffs.what can i do? And/Or jail time like they do if you miss a child support and should i hire a lawyer try... You first need to know a persons future you first need to stick,. Nobody wants to change it every week to accommodate his drama has to very! 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