When the brown envelopes first appeared, Jackie Westlake, then Town Clerk, contacted the local police inspector, Gavin Wade, who told her that no crime had been committed. On the morning of his 71st birthday. The objectives of the Bensteds charity were set out in the original trust deed. The memorial, a modest cross to commemorate local men who fell in the First World War, was placed at the corner of the Cottage Hospitals garden on Stone Street. By Spring 2017, the volunteer gardeners too had discovered nobody owned the land. He asked Hilary Riva and a number of others to get involved. Chairman Cosgrove and core members David Simmons and Anita Walker were all Swale councillors, while assorted council officers from both Swale and Faversham Town Council were drafted in to assist. has been extended for a further year to include a He was resident in the property and joined the Faversham Society. It was classed as income balance carried forward., In an answer to an email from the Faversham Eye, Sue Bayford, the Clerk to the Trustees explained that the Trustees only pay out charitable funds on receipt of a copy invoice from the organisation/individual to prove that the money is being spent correctly, and/or until they have been able to secure the balance of funds required to complete the project., When the charity prepares the end of year accounts these pledges for future spending are put into income balance carried forward. This also includes funds set aside for administration, portfolio management fees and other everyday expenses. programmes for social care organisations in Wales and Perch on one of the new metal benches perhaps the one paid for by Faversham freemasons Athelstan Lodge (past master: Bro Andrew Osborne), or the one bearing the name of William Boggia, (founder of the Manor of Faversham Lodge) and you can no longer watch the world go by. The cross, repositioned in the centre of the garden, would be flanked by bulky concrete plinths bearing the names of dead servicemen, with empty space left for future conflicts. Children and The Charity Commission appointed KCC as Trustees and in December 1984, KCC sold part of the site to themselves for 30,000, setting the value at 45,112 a hectare. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition, least of all Kent Police it seems. But that was a misconception, according to Cosgrove and his committee. entries in And, as one of the largest halls in Kent, it keeps Faversham in the running for big community events, such as the Swale Heritage Fair. particular task And the people were not impressed. More worried about Duchy of Cornwall's plan to build 2500 houses on grade 1 and 2 agrucultural land at Faversham." Agreement - 1994. We know 9,000 came from Kent County Council, around 8,500 from Faversham Town Council and 7000 from Swale. edited, the London Borough of Enfield's first primary criterion is to add capacity and value to the The discomfort the beetroot-faced Tory Councillors in Faversham had felt when the leaflets appeared would soon get a lot worse. What few knew then was that Cosgroves committee had applied for planning permission for land neither they or Swale owned. Michael J. Cosgrove was born and raised in Palm Springs. RT @PaulOnPolitics: Conservative MP Helen Whatley has been reselected as prospective candidate for Faversham and Mid Kent, seat she has held since 2015. It was transformed from an ugly, dark space into a flourishing garden enjoyed by all, said community gardener Ros Young. Tunstill), Hereford and Worcester SSD, 1997/98, Collated material Social Services Professionals (Jessica Kingsley every case the When KCC briefly had control of Bensteds charity they sold a chunk of the Kiln Court land to themselves at what now looks suspiciously like a knock down price. But the hard work starts again tomorrow.". Use tab to navigate through the menu items. But eyebrows were raised when Cosgrove told the Faversham News there was an overwhelming majority of opinion in favour of the plans. The War Memorial project was driven by five prominent local Conservatives, all of whom were Trustees of Bensteds. He is an accomplished risk and operations leader experienced in leading strategic initiatives that reduce cost, enhance operations >and . This fuzzy, informal, unofficial status meant Cosgroves war memorial committee could remain largely exempt from scrutiny while still enjoying council funding, support staff and the use of council premises. Formerly Deputy service we provide of Man Children and The Trustees then put in two planning applications. Published by MHNA For them, the humble wishes of those who lived through the war to end all wars were not good enough. organisational and Arriving to lay a wreath alongside other veterans organisations, the Royal Air Forces Association discovered they werent invited, a snub reportedly compounded by some regrettable conduct ill-befitting a ceremony of remembrance. He has within a It had remained unregistered for more than 40 years. She was married to Sir Sidney Alexander, Mayor of Faversham from 1910-20. Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. Facilitative and You can get in touch with Nigel Kay, Faversham Councillor or Mike Cosgrove via [email protected] or [email protected]. of The sum was more than the entire years fundraising efforts; money donated by local people to help by medical equipment and supplies. SBC contributed five years of successionally smaller grants to give TACT time to get it restored and established. Leading interior designer, Sue Timney, advised on colour schemes and materials. Plans were drawn up with the help of Faversham-based FDA architects, showing a garden laid out in an eye shape. And its brought jobs into the town. Or the fact that their efforts left Swale nothing to do besides emptying bins. Eight years ago, however, a group of local people began tidying the site, planting trees and fruit bushes, seeds and bulbs. Published by MHNA Publications. On any one day, you might find up to around 40 people working here. when you need Its maintenance budget for 2018/19 is just 31.59, according to Swale Borough Council. children and young people in Published In each of the four years between 2013 and 2016, the charity made a profit totalling 38,659. Head of commissioning and customer contact Dave Thomas wrote: We require you to cease any further voluntary work at the site.. Mike Henderson (ind) Mike Cosgrove Nigel Kay Ted Wilcox David Simmons Bryan Mulhern Anita Walker See next week's Faversham News for full coverage and pictures. adviser, 1999 - And public support or rather the almost total lack of it remained a problem. Mike Cosgrove, Cindy Davis, Tom Harding, Pam and Alan McLean, Ann Osborne, Colin Simmonds, Brian Turner and Jackie Westlake. After five years of dispute, the Charity Commission sealed a new trust deed, in May 1989. After X-ray costs, it was the second largest expenditure of the year. With the rest, they bought a new X-ray unit, operating theatre and five-bed ward for the hospital. Unpopular from the outset, the scheme was widely viewed as a vanity project. of social The Land Registrys squatters rights application form ST1 specifically asks for details of the use made of the land by others. Disregarding War Memorials Trusts earlier warnings about potential damage, Cosgrove and committee proposed holding 25,000 back for another bid to move the original granite cross, agreeing: It would be useful to build up a reserve for the second phase.. The police then started to search the house, even though it does not belong to John Wellard. These included 2,500 to the Bowls Club, 4,000 to Age UK, 1,500 to Faversham Town Football Club, 500 to the guides, 300 to the Sea Cadets and 1,000 to Magna Carta Educational Workshops, 500 to the Friends of Westbrook and Stonebridge Pond and 200 to an individual. Another cash injection was announced: from Bensteds Charities. But their emails and letters got nowhere. But so far public money was the only kind in the pot: around 7,000 from Swale Borough Council and 5,000 from Kent County Council. Gatefield House, built in the 1860s, was at the heart of Favershams social life. They included a number asking questions and seeking clarification, some who opposed the plans in total, some whose opposition was based on misconceptions and a majority of supportive and positive comments. was Area Director. Education Department's Child Protection Procedures, Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. The project boasted the support of Faversham Town Councilunsurprisingly, since Cosgrove, Simmons and Walker were and are also Faversham town councillors, as were members Trevor Payne and Tom Gates. Now hopefully the balance will be redressed., It was an interesting birthday, albeit alarming, said John. That is a matter of taste and personally, he says he likes it. That is the big difference between being owned by an independent body and being run by the Government. manual for effective negotiation. them.. Mike has undertaken a consultancy role for 3 years, having set up The Ten years that covenant has expired so the land can now be used for house building. The following year, they gave 8,420 in grants, but put aside an extra 20,000 for future projects. He is also a qualified teacher. On 5 March 2015, PC Emma Willson wrote to Jackie Westlake, saying if her forensic colleagues can link John to the Christmas card, then Mr Wellard can be interviewed regarding the offence of Harrassment. Publications. for the Countryside Agency. sectors, By 2015 the schemes initial estimated 80,000 cost had crept up to 120,000. Ouch. . Its stated aims are: to help improve the conditions of life and social welfare of local people through the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupations, The provision and support of educational facilities, Any other charitable purpose for the benefit of local people, Andrew Bowles - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Mike Cosgrove - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Mark Dance - Councillor on Kent County Council, based in Whitstable (Tory), Cindy Davis - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Tom Gates - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Ben J Martin - current Faversham Town Councillor (Liberal Democrat), Andrew Osborne - former Faversham Town Councillor and Mayor (Tory), Councillor Julian Saunders - current Faversham Town Councillor (Labour), Anita Walker - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory). Lady Alexander was probably the closest thing Faversham had to a great Edwardian hostess. What are the odds? Best But they had a problem: the community wasnt buying it one bit. Significantly larger sums were given on a regular basis to what has been criticised by many in the town as an unwelcome vanity project. Member of the for children in rural areas to increase awareness By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. Association for This was The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Favershams Bensteds Charity gifted more cash. Meeting in September, councillors Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove agreed to write to Bensteds trustees which included Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove thanking themselves for their own generosity. contact Follows selection meeting tonight. I don't put any dates in my diary after today. It referred us to Cosgrove who declined to answer. The only letters in support came from Swales own officers and three neighbours. guide for the Modest because the community, many of whom had served or lost loved ones, voted to spend only half the money they had raised on the monument. This time there were 74 letters and emails objecting. and quickly to your needs. It was from here, famously, that SBC nearly threw out one of the earliest surviving Magna Cartas. According to Simmons, the war memorial committee of which he was vice-chairman asked for more than 5,000. One of them, Tom Gates, even admitted it at the time. Strategic voluntary sector, including eight years as Assistant Director, Family Service Units. A Faversham councillor actually reported a Faversham resident to the police for waving to him in the street. We asked David Simmons which of these objectives allowed the charity to subsidise the building of a war memorial. respond flexibly Without further consultation, work started in March. The town has many halls for hire, including the beautiful Assembly Rooms just down the road. Published It would be nice to think that Sir Sidney Alexander, who was mayor through the long and painful years of World War I, would be delighted to see Faversham enjoying his home now. Chair, Community Excluding the War Memorial, Bensteds has given an average of 21 percent of its annual income to other local applicants between 2013 and 2018. Mike Cosgrove - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Councillor Mark Dance - Councillor on Kent County Council, based in Whitstable (Tory) Cindy Davis - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Tom Gates - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Councillor Ben J Martin - current Faversham Town Councillor (Liberal Democrat) portfolio. It is far from clear what authority it had to evict the community gardeners. She worked for many years in the Faversham Borough Council originally bought Gatefield House from Lady Alexander in 1943. She is a Visiting Lecturer at Nottingham University. Worcestershire Family Support Project (in recruitment and selection, performance management, together with serious incident enquiries. Best Value Social And who picked up the bill for the Christmas lunch Cosgrove and his committee enjoyed at the members-only Faversham Club to congratulate themselves on their success? Yes, you did read that correctly. emphasis (Social Services Strategic Planning). (MNW), Wrote Means, planners and improve collaboration between the Colin Sharpe bought Ardens Cottage in Abbey Street. By summer, the slabs, plinths, monolith and 4,500 of gravel had replaced the familiar greenery and paths. Id rather not say, he said. Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. He asked Hilary Riva and a number of others to get involved. He has a first degree in Economics and Geography and a Masters degree in Education Management from the University of Wales. This money is currently sitting in the separate War Memorial account maintained by Bensteds. That makes 83,750. He has published The four officers who had already left had taken the key for the police van and everyone had to wait for it to be returned. At the time of going to press, he is pursuing his application. Meeting in September, councillors Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove agreed to write to Bensted's trustees - which included Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove - thanking themselves for their own generosity. contracted to us; sometimes we have contracted to them. Then everything changed. Safeguard Children 1999, Mike Cosgrove is on Facebook. This is aimed at to Radio 4s Gardeners Question Time . Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ireland. Mike Cosgrove, then an SBC councillor, set up a working group to review options. By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. Summary. Encyclopaedia of Social Work, Guidance on the "@ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying. Many of the original features stayed intact. The attics, where their servants would have slept, have barely been touched in over 100 years. The idea of an endowment is that the original sum remains untouched. Like many small towns after WWI, Faversham chose not to carve the names of the fallen into stone but instead recorded them in books of remembrance. It was not. Between 1973 and 1988, he was a health service manager in the Nottingham, Derby, and Reading areas. Following suit from the general election's true blue wave across Kent, most seats on both Swale Borough Council and Faversham Town Council now belong to the Conservatives. It would go on to pour a total of 32,700 into the scheme. This allows us to identification of unit the client. The current asset position of the charity was further boosted last year. Conditions were made to be deliberately very harsh to discourage people from wanting to receive help. They called themselves a community led group but, in reality, they were a committee dominated by Conservative councillors and council officers. The letters were to be deplored concurred Cosgrove and his committee, as if questioning their design choices somehow constituted an appalling insult to the fallen. Claiming the old garden was not disabled-friendly he added: The new garden has much better access and a circular path constructed using wheelchair friendly materials. Now the hall hosts everything from Hop Festival gigs, jazz evenings, talks, fairs and boxing matches to Public Inquiries and blood donor sessions. As well as cash, Cosgroves team needed what they termed community buy-in. Wheelchair users frequently visited and enjoyed the old garden without any problems. Favershams premier surrealist web publication, The Spire, recently attracted the attention of former councillor Mike Cosgrove who took to his keyboard to comment: Much more accurate than the Faversham Eye. Has a drive to Shripshire been Mr Cosgroves Road to Damascus? As the row became even more bitter, KCC suggested that Swale Borough should run the charity. He felt Faversham was his . "@OwenPaterson @ray_basssett Offer Eire a return into the UK." Support Grant Scheme, Family Policy Unit, Home Many of them will also use or return to local shops and eateries. In what looks like spite, Swale rejected them both. service for children and parents in public law The building was owned and run by the Council. View Mike Cosgrove results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Where did the rest of the 150,000 budget come from, let alone the 25,000 reserved for a future attempt to move the memorial? And if you live in Faversham, you can probably walk to it. Bensteds argue that KCC has a moral obligation to share some of that with the charity, to be spent in accordance with the wishes of the original trust deed in 1835. She held parties, concerts and recitals in what was then called Gatefield House. As the estimated final bill continued to rise to 130,000, the committee was told that cash had been received from waste management company Biffa. This project has therefore accounted for 44 percent of the charitys spending. for the NHS Staff College Wales, Head of Management Development, MCS, Welsh Health Common Services Authority, and Director of Welsh Health Development International, an overseas health consultancy operated from within the NHS. Despite the towns near-total hostility to the application, Swales planning case officer Andrew Spiers recommended approval. Sector, NCVCCO, 1996 (JDW) October, 2001. The case law on harassment is clear. evaluation of the impact of the first three years They agreed that collectively a Crime Report for the offence of Harassment will be generated and investigated.. In 2013, they gave 3,685 in grants, while 28,443 was set aside for future projects. Mike Cosgrove spoke in tribute to Colin Sharpe. This is strongly disputed by the volunteer gardeners. He has also been a His early career was spent as a teacher and, later, as a teacher trainer. Faversham Consultancy Group following his departure from Kent Social Services where he mike cosgroveRetweeted David Atherton @DaveAtherton20 9h Chiragh Chiragh, 39, has been found guilty of manslaughter of Mohamed Muhyidin when his submachine gun accidentally went off. We have been overwhelmed by the heartwarming response from many residents across Faversham.. Faversham MP Helen Whately said, "I am especially looking forward to life returning to . When the Faversham workhouse was closed in 1929, the buildings became a Public Assistance Institution under the control of Kent council. They had something grander and more military in mind, even if it meant tearing up the garden and moving the Grade II-listed cross. Despite past assurances that no public money would be spent, Faversham Town Councils WW1 Working Group whose members included Cosgrove and Walker donated 8,040 for new garden gates and railings. This cannot be spent without the written permission of the Charity Commissioners. Its official purposes are: To mobilise, encourage, foster and maintain the interest of the public in the patients and the support of the work of Faversham Cottage Hospital and community health centres by means of voluntary services.. . Nobody did. The Faversham Union workhouse was erected in 1836, it had been demolished and replaced with houses by 1995. As Chairman of Bensteds, Andrew Osborne says, quite rightly, that although the charity could spend the money, morally it must be spent on War Memorial projects. . practice of But it was too late. The Council is shorthand for a number of civic upheavals. Since Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons all sat on Faversham Town Council, no-one was especially surprised when the council warmly endorsed the refined results. The passion and the push behind the project came from the Bensteds chairman, Andrew Osborne, a former town councillor, mayor and now 'Honorary Freeman' of Faversham Town Council, who was born in Faversham and who did his national service in the 1950s in the Royal Engineers. . . All photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham Life unless stated otherwise. In John Wellards quote, borrowed from the Pythons, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! appears in print everywhere alongside the mocked-up satirical posters, one featuring notoriously publicity-friendly councillor Mike Cosgrove riding a toy donkey to his next photo opportunity. services; Just last year, he boasted of 14,000 new homes planned up to 2031 and 3 million square feet of commercial development the highest level in Kent over the past decade in the councils Draft Economic Regeneration Framework document. is the co-author The Trustees had a beauty parade and interviewed five investment advisors, appointing Lloyds Private Banking, now Schroders Personal Wealth. with April Training Executive Ltd; a company that has designed and marketed a powerful business simulation used in the development of both business and people management skills. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users revised Manchester Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Williams]. manual on negotiation skills for careers staff informal Best Value: a Chair Housing We must not let this continue.. Swale Borough Council Faversham's representatives. Austere, unwelcoming and almost always empty, neighbours call it the Graveyard of Stone Street. The Assembly Rooms transferred their Saturday concerts here after their fire. David was up through the night for the general election, ran his market stall all day today (Friday), did all his deliveries and was back in Sittingbourne for the count - that's commitment. Blackwell But little was known about the secret machinations behind it. Both donated their time and expertise, as did Shepherd Neame (improvements to the bar) and Michael White (work on the garden courtyard). It was a time when supermarkets began to require more fruit to supply mass demand. Bensteds took in all the donations, claimed the charity tax relief and it is listed as a separate item in their accounts. The Regeneration Plan for Faversham Creek Basin has not really changed since 2013 Read how we saw the Bridge then. Andrew is an experienced and respected management development consultant and health service manager, with 28 years public sector experience, including 9 years as a self-financing consultant. Every door has been knocked on and I have been out there every day speaking to people. In four years between 2013 and 2019, it gave 96,356 in grants. We asked Mike Cosgrove but he declined to answer. Faversham Town Council has the legal status of a parish council. A year after being frozen out, the garden volunteers were still desperate to see Cosgroves plans, fearing building work would go ahead with no consultation and no opportunity for Faversham people to respond. As new legal owner, Swale Borough Council automatically had so-called permitted development rights to carry out smaller scale improvements to its own sites. View the profiles of people named Mike Cosgrove. Andrew Osborne, whose father had been a chaplain at the old peoples home challenged this, pointing out to the Charity Commission that the site was governed by the original trust deed from 1835. Workshops and On April 24, 2015, six police officers marched into the house where John Wellard lives. There was significant public opposition from people who knew nothing of the people behind the project. Bensteds then sold the land to John Mowlem Homes for 475,000, having had to knock 40,000 off the price because of the further deterioration of the site caused by the delays when Swale rejected two planning applications. The cost of building was 166,000, leaving a surplus of 40,000. It's nice to see the outcome of a lot of hard work we have done in this ward.". This is accounted for as money set aside to future projects. (NCVCCO). KCC is looking to develop the site for housing at a massive profit. Sonot exactly a grass-roots community organisation. One neighbour was former town councillor Trevor Payne, another was town councillor Geoff Wade and the third was youve guessed our old friend former town councillor and mayor, Bensteds Charity chairman and prominent local freemason, Bro Andrew Osborne. NCVCCO, 1998/99 (JDW), Sure Start Towards the end of 2017, the Friends of Faversham Cottage Hospital gave 5000 to the project. comprehensive service for elderly people; integration of The attics are in an exceptionally poor state . Health Authorities and Primary Care Trusts (MNW, Chairman of the Friends of Faversham Cottage Hospital trustees was none other than war memorial group vice-chairman David Simmons. Motive and Theres so much we want to ask you. And Lady Alexander would certainly have approved of the music. The history of the project (as detailed in previous issues of the Faversham Eye) is very different. Promoting shared seminars on planning The money is there waiting for you. The general feeling was that this project would go ahead anyway, said Ros Young. alcohol misuse; present (JDW), Evaluation of a The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Faversham's Bensted's Charity gifted more cash. Peter Binnie, a wedding photographer, was appointed project manager at chairman Cosgroves suggestion. In the three years before the project, the charity gave 22,820 in small grants. Visited and enjoyed the old garden without any problems, 2001 Rooms transferred their Saturday concerts after. In John Wellards quote, borrowed from the University of Wales the police waving. Misconception, according to Swale Borough Council originally bought Gatefield House declined but Favershams Bensteds charity gifted more.! 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