That was when she published a new letter this past December, the one where she opened up about her struggles during college, showed more of herself, but with the headline, No Dollar Signs This Time, which meant both that the symbol $ wasnt used, but also that she did not say how many billions had gone out the door since June. But her mother and Wendy White apparently stayed in touchin an e-mail after Mackenzie was questioned, Morrison said that she was saddened to learn that M stuck to her story. She wrote, She has become emboldened over time, and has been successful with her evolving tale for 6 yrs. She offered that White or her staff could visit her home, in St. Louis. Mackenzie told the hospital staff that she didnt remember what had happened. Ms. Scott with Jeff Bezos, her husband from 1993 to 2019. Last year, Ms. Scott recalled that period and the help she received to make it through. degree. She was invited for an interview at a hedge fund, D. E. Shaw. The Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted the Inquirer article, saying it was thrilling that a Rhodes Scholarship had gone to a first-gen low-income foster youth, and Mackenzie retweeted what he wrote. Her preferences are shaping the face of American civil society because of the size of the funding shes providing, said Rob Reich, co-director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University. If trauma creates a kind of narrative void, Mackenzie seemed to respond by leaning into a narrative that made her life feel more coherent, fitting into boxes that people want to reward. The week before, she had started work at an investment firm, with her future husband, Mr. Bezos. (In a separate interview, Lovelace, who had been the subject of complaints to the police by Morrison and two other women with whom hed been romantically involved, denied ever touching Mackenzie.). But she said that Mackenzie concluded, Im going to continue to try to move forward in my life., In a form that Mackenzie submitted to Penn, which formally nominates students for the Rhodes, she described her sense that students applying for scholarships sometimes felt confused and pressured to be someone they were not amidst their application process. In an interview with a writer working on a guidebook for F.G.L.I. The family had an expensive home in the Pacific Heights neighborhood in San Francisco and another house in the town of Ross, what the San Francisco Examiner at the time called the bosky dell in Marin County for the well-to-do., In the afterword to her first novel, Ms. Scott tells the story of how, when she was just 6 years old, she wrote a 142-page novel called The Bookworm, which she described as a chapter book about the adventures of a worm who loved to read., It took me almost a year of afternoons lying on our living room carpet with a stack of Oreos, a sheaf of kindergarten newsprint, and a fat pencil, she wrote, and I distinctly remember the moment when it first occurred to me that I loved writing differently than I loved riding my bike or swimming.. El-Fahmawi told me, I was genuinely worried and surprisedshe was completely on her own., During her sophomore year, Mackenzie decided to apply for a masters at Penns school of social workshe could begin the program while completing her undergraduate degreebecause she wanted to help young people who had aged out of foster care. After Lovelace bought Morrison a gun for her birthday, Mackenzie wrote, If Im being perfectly honest, Im terrified. She described an incident, a year earlier, when she had fallen asleep watching a movie in her moms bed and woke up to Lovelace on top of her, feeling my boobs, running his hand around my inner thighs & exploring other places. She got out from under him, ran into her own room, and eventually called her mother, who wasnt home, and related what had happened. We want to salute our veterans and show them the respect and gratitude that they deserve, Ms. Tuttle told the Palm Beach Daily News, four years after the bankruptcy filing. The questionnaire for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid asks, At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court? Mackenzie had correctly answered yes, which put her in the category of an independent student. The Giving Pledge is a public promise and little more. She sent the Rhodes Trust medical and family-court records, along with letters from twenty-six people in her life. When concerns were initially raised about her first-generation status, Mackenzie had e-mailed the associate director of admissions and recruitment at Penns social-work school to ask how former foster youth should answer the question. In the winter of her sophomore year of high school, Mackenzie Morrison sat in her bedroom closet and began a new diary. It was the local dentist who offered me free dental work when he saw me securing a broken tooth with denture glue in college, she said. In it she seemed to address the contradictory urges of preserving privacy while commanding attention for the causes she supported. Couldnt wait to hop in the car.. I envy her because shes so important.. So, so wrong. Some of her high-school teachers had reassured her that she was part of their familytheir bonus child. But they stopped calling. The youth should select into the option that provides them access to the most fundingwhich would be to indicate that they are a first-generation college student., Anthony Jack, a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who studies low-income and first-generation college students, told me that he would not consider a student like Mackenzie first-generation. Norton said, Mackenzie always tried to say, Im fine, Im fineafter she and her roommates gave up their apartment off campus, she lived with a roommates family in Ohio and then stayed at a classmates home in Philadelphiabut eventually it became clear she was just couch-surfing at friends houses, and you cant couch-surf in a pandemic. In late May, Norton invited Mackenzie, who had just graduated with a B.A. Nobody fits into a certain mold or stereotype, just like I do not, she wrote. According to her classmates, she was unconscious and intermittently seizing for roughly an hour, because it took emergency medical personnel that long to extract her from the building, as they struggled to fit a stretcher into the elevator or the stairway. The pediatrician felt awful for not pushing the issue, Brandt wrote. She was walking around in the smallest, lightest winter coat. When, during her freshman year, Mackenzie had surgery for a bone infection, Cannon offered to pick her up from the hospital. The following year they gave $2.5 million in support of a same-sex marriage referendum. Some were groups that her mother might have gone to a luncheon for in Palm Beach, or her grandmother in El Paso. Class of 88: Ill miss being with you, she wrote. Humble! Mr. Bezos later said he would find her writing in hotel bathrooms when he woke up on vacation. While Mackenzie was in the hospital, Morrison was released on bond, and she began calling people close to Mackenzie to tell her side of the story. The report acknowledged, This is a tragic story, but said that truthfulness cannot be overridden by appeal to trauma. It referred to childhood picturesenclosed in a twenty-two-page letter written to the Rhodes Trust, in mid-December, by an anonymous sender who displayed a great deal of familiarity with Mackenzies childhoodthat showed Mackenzie engaging in typical upper middle-class childhood activities, like horseback riding and going to the beach. Ms. Scott and Mr. Bezos began to make their own forays into the charitable world. Her friend Stephen Damianos, who had just been chosen for the scholarship, had told her she would be an ideal candidate. She has been in therapy since she went into foster care, and she attributes her capacity to heal, at least to some degree, to her sense of fellowship with other children and women who have not been believed. Mackenzie is making this all up. I felt like a passenger in my own body, she said. Or the propaganda campaign that they can put behind her story?. It says that your hair is caked with dried blood. That didnt happen, did it?. Mackenzie grew up in St. Louis, Missouri with her mother, Carrie Morrison, left, who allegedly abused her, as her boyfriend, Henry Lovelace Jr., right, sexually abused her Mackenzie attended the $30,000-a-year Whitfield private school in St. Louis In another letter to Ms. Morrison, she wrote that he hired her based largely on a transcript of your phone recommendation.. students, she had expressed a similar concern about the sorts of personal statement expected from disadvantaged students: The expression that comes up is poverty porncontinually being pressured by your school, when you get to a higher-education institution, or even in high school, to share your storyand thank donors, and whatever the case is. (Penn said that it doesnt pressure students to tell their stories but supports them when they choose to do so. Why one chapter of the Y.M.C.A. In a During conversations with her mother in the kitchen, she made sure to keep the kitchen island in between us, while also bracing for impact. She thought about running away, but she didnt have anywhere to go. investigator, Mackenzie, and her mother. They liked to imagine themselves as the Gilmore Girls: the single mother and her precocious daughter, so close they were nearly fused. ), In her Rhodes application, Mackenzie proposed studying the entanglement between the child-welfare and juvenile-justice systems (the subject of her undergraduate thesis, too)a project she hoped would uplift the voices of my foster peers. But, in two paragraphs that drew connections between her personal background and scholarly interests, she took some liberties, such as describing a kid at one of her foster homes as a foster child, even though he was actually her foster parents biological child. Friends remembered the couple as fun loving, big on books but also other forms of culture. She will not work to project what she wants others to see (Kind! Two days after starting the journal, in March, 2014, she wrote an entry about a head injury shed suffered three months earlier. But institutions used different definitions of the term; one study analyzed eight definitions of first-generation commonly used by researchers and found that, in a sample of more than seven thousand students, those who qualified as first-generation ranged from twenty-two to seventy-seven per cent, depending on which definition was used. It has no donation schedules, no reporting requirements and no enforcement mechanisms. She met with the associate director of special services within Penns Division of Public Safety to share her fear that her family had discovered where she lived. I helped organize a storytelling event for a friends church at a board and care institute, where [I met] Mackenzie Morrison, the daughter of the church lady who Those concerns were temporarily overshadowed when, less than five months later, on Dec. 15, 2020, Ms. Scott announced another, even bigger round of giving, $4.2 billion to 384 organizations, including hundreds of Easterseals, United Way, Y.W.C.A. Brandt read Mackenzies diary and interviewed her principal, her soccer coach, and her teachers. She is poor, but she has not been poor for long enough. Norton has tried to create new domestic routinesdoing puzzles; watching rock-climbing movies, a shared interestso that, she said, its not about her fitting into our life. I went off to college knowing I was going to have to work a variety of jobs to put myself through school, Ms. Scott has said, worrying about how she was going to juggle waiting tables with a full course load. That same year, in September, Mr. Bezos and Ms. Scott pledged $2 billion to open Montessori-inspired preschools and support homeless families. She wrote to the dean of the social-work school with a list of concerns, including the appearance of retaliation against Mackenzie for giving a deposition in wrongful death lawsuit against the University. (The university has denied that its dealings with Mackenzie had anything to do with the lawsuit. Two days after starting the journal, in March, 2014, she wrote an entry about a head injury she'd suffered three months earlier. I found myself with unpredictable and small chunks of time during which I either collapsed from exhaustion and frustration, or ruminated over the excruciating monotony of making and selling sandwiches, she wrote, and worried about how I might pay my rent with the nickels they gave me in exchange for my ennui.. She said many times that she fell for his famously booming laugh and pursued a relationship. In January 2019, Ms. Scott and Mr. Bezos jointly announced on his Twitter account that they were divorcing. Luther asks Liz if her life with no black-tie fund-raisers. After you talked to the school. It is a deliberate indifference to evidence. Smith and Hillier signed the grievance, too. And in her, Korzen sees a sense of belonging that shes never felt. Mackenzie told me, I have heard people describe sexual assault as a kind of erasure of self, but she said that, because her abuse occurred when she was so young, it felt like there was not a self to begin with.. Mackenzie Fierceton was championed as a former foster youth who had overcome an abusive childhood and won a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. The D.S.S. She was ashamed to tell people that shed been in foster care; she felt so alone that she thought about dropping out. He edited what was my first and, happily, last piece of financial marketing literature, and after our wedding I started working full time on a novel, she wrote to Ms. Morrison of that period. Im finding I have much time to write, all in the early morning, which probably displeases the accountant who lives below me although I recently invested in a rug to muffle my 5 am trips to the kitchen for coffee, she wrote to Ms. Morrison. If this was a difficult period for Ms. Scott, it was also an intellectually rewarding one. Subscribe today ], Her mother was a respected figure in the St. Louis medical community, and, when Mackenzie was injured, she saw doctors affiliated with her hospital. Its an interesting business, and, on the whole, having a part-time job has been good for my writing., But she also started taking a writing seminar at the University of Washington. She took a sip of water and began crying. Amazon was Mr. Bezos dream, and Ms. Scott did not give up on her own dream of writing novels. Morrison petitioned the St. Louis County Circuit Court to expunge her arrest record. Very pleasant and serious, the instructor, Carole Glickfeld, recalled in an interview. She was working multiple jobs, and she owned almost no personal or material items, she said. Norton, with whom Mackenzie had been living for nearly a year, told me, I cannot avoid the sense that Mackenzie is being faulted for not having suffered enough. After the caseworkers visit, Mackenzie was on high alert, trying not to set anyone or anything off, she wrote in her diary. I wanted so deeply for people to understand what it means to not have a family, and I had this fear of people being, like, What happened to youthat doesnt count.. Before Morrisons case could go before a grand jury, the St. Louis County assistant prosecuting attorney dropped all the charges. Fendell did not accept the explanation, and she later told Mackenzie that she was legally obligated to notify Missouris Department of Social Services. Her mother began working at a womens boutique on fashionable Worth Avenue a short walk away. Her grandfather had completed his studies at the university level. Rachel Webb, one of Mackenzies teachers from elementary school, said that Morrison left a message on her voice mail. She was abused, but there is not enough blood. Penn had once celebrated her story, but, when it proved more complex than institutional categories for disadvantage could capture, it seemed to quickly disown her. If there were causes she supported but did not want the world to know about, she could simply choose not to include them in the Medium post. Her own life has taken sharp turns that have shaped her choices, including her extraordinary leap into philanthropy, which in under three years has exceeded $12 billion in grants. Morrison denied that she had ever hit her daughter, whom she described as emotional and intense. No one wants to offend her, but the choices can appear capricious. Then, like Princetonians at least as far back as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ms. Scott moved to New York City to pursue a career as a novelist. She had not seen her mother in private since the day she was hospitalizeda court had ordered family therapy, but Mackenzie was terrifiedand had no financial support from her family. I guess the only way I will find out what will not work for me in life is by trying it, she wrote to Ms. Morrison in September 1992, a few months after graduation and at a pivotal moment for her future. Dorothy L. Espelage, a psychologist specializing in bullying prevention, recalled in an interview how she was sitting in a parking lot at the University of Illinois, where she worked at the time, when her phone rang. Her approach to press inquiries, she wrote, involved respecting the autonomy and role of journalists by doing nothing to try to influence or control what they report., We are all human, she wrote in the post. At the time that Mackenzie filed her case, the Chronicle of Higher Education was finishing an article about her lost Rhodes Scholarship. Instead, she gave through the lightly regulated vehicles known as donor-advised funds, which meant she could make massive, tax-deductible donations with no transparency requirements. At one point they paid for 50 friends to take part in a scavenger hunt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for Mr. Bezos birthday. She showed up at my classroom door with a bloodied and battered face and then fainted, the teacher wrote. In Florida, she threw herself into the community with gusto. Damianos said, She asked me, I wonder if this litigation will come back to bite me. Damianos and Moore both assured her that institutional endorsement for scholarships was handled by an office that was not likely to be concerned with lawsuits against the university. Her husband was by then one of the most famous men in America, but he was best known at the time for destabilizing the staid publishing industry to the detriment of local bookstores. How an unemployed blogger confirmed that Syria had used chemical weapons. A few days later, Mackenzie received an e-mail asking her to meet with Winkelstein, the deputy provost, to address questions that had arisen from an anonymous source. Sensing her mothers involvement, Mackenzie asked a university staff member to attend the meeting as her informal adviser. He lies about his work and showers his wife with expensive home appliances to compensate. At Mackenzies request, Penn had not listed her contact information in its online directory. According to a detailed reconstruction of the conversation, composed by Mackenzie and the staff member soon afterward, Winkelstein asked why, in Mackenzies application for the school of social work, she had categorized herself as first-generation. Mackenzes mother, Dr Carrie Morrison, a radiologist She told me that she wished shed pushed back harder on the way she was characterized. Birthplace: Ness, Isle of Lewis, United Kingdom. An article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch announced that Morrison had been charged with felony child abuse and misdemeanor assault, running a picture of her wearing a pearl necklace and a white lab coat, with a breast-cancer-awareness ribbon pinned to her chest. Mike Morrison Mikes passion centers on developing leaders at all ages, from the Both her parents had recently died, and she was going through a severe depression, but, she told me, Penn dragged me to every single news outlet that asked for an interview and sent a Penn communications person with me to make sure I said the right things. If I look back at all the signs, at the days leading up to and proceeding my accident, she wrote, the signs all seem to point in the same direction. Commentary was overwhelmingly positive, but philanthropy experts raised significant questions. For her personal statement, Mackenzie responded to the prompt Describe an experience which caused you to change your perspective with an essay about finding herself in the pediatric intensive-care unit and looking at her bruised face in the mirror. What HBOs Chernobyl got right, and what it got terribly wrong. Nevertheless, strange packages were occasionally delivered to her dorm: a pair of sneakers, which she assumed came from Lovelace, who used to act as her personal trainer, helping her stretch; a bracelet with an inscription about finding the truth. One of Mackenzies tenth-grade teachers shared that Mackenzie was afraid to talk about her home life, so the teacher had begun asking her if the weekend had been cloudy or stormy. Fendell, the wellness director, said that she had seen text messages in which Morrison had lashed out at Mackenzie, calling her a fucking piece of shit or telling her, Get your fat ass home. Brandt also spoke with Mackenzies pediatrician, who felt guilty that, at Mackenzies annual physical a month earlier, she hadnt X-rayed a large bruise on Mackenzies arm. But I do feel I got to a point well-suited to some perspective-fostering maternity leave and a dose of serious criticism from willing readers., She continued sending drafts to Ms. Morrison, thanking her every time for reading the latest version, and she kept up with a family tradition of sending annual Thanksgiving cards. The Lakeside School in Seattle, where Dan Jewett, Ms. Scotts new husband, used to teach. She had become important with no black-tie fund-raisers and no velvet dresses. Mr. Bezos and Ms. Scott in 2018, the year before the couple divorced. The judge ordered that Morrisons name be struck from the state registry. In an e-mail, an attorney for the D.S.S. notified Mackenzies lawyer of the decision, writing, I am very saddened by the result in this case as I have always believed Mackenzie 100% on everything and I always will. The couple, who had been together since they were both 14, found themselves becoming teen parents not once, but twice over. In 2004, the couple joined the board of the Bezos Family Foundation, a charitable vehicle of Mr. Bezos parents, who became extraordinarily rich in their own right from their early infusions of capital into the fledgling She described in detail how she had been at the top of her carpeted staircase trying to tease gum out of Mackenzies hair with a comb: She immediately screamed, ow, jerked her head back, and, after stepping back two or three stairs, stomped off to her room and slammed the door. She cries, she doesnt eat, she doesnt sleep. The number of first-generation students on campus became a new benchmark, a sign that a university was fulfilling its social contract. Mr. Jewett posted his own letter on Ms. Scotts Giving Pledge page. Such a shame this angry teenage girl just destroyed her mothers career, another wrote. He is the son of the late boxer, Tommy Morrison. They asked how Mackenzie had been injured. Morrisons lawyer, Allison Schreiber Lee, had obtained a personal statement that Mackenzie had written to get a scholarship, which was nearly identical to her college essay, and she interrogated Mackenzie about differences between her medical records and her rendering of the experience. Mackenzie Fierceton didnt MacKenzie Bezos has authored two novels, so far. Truthfully it wasnt going that well and I was having a lot of trouble making ends meet, she said of that period. Mom heard her tumble, thought maybe tripped going up the stairs, the medical records said. CreditIllustration by Israel G. Vargas; Photo: Taylor Hill/FilmMagic. However, an anonymous father reported that she belonged to a rich family and an investigation was put upon her. Brandt stood beside Mackenzies bed and asked who had hurt her. She has given me a real example of a life of passionate devotion to more than one calling.. It quickly became clear, he said, that this was a very unusual process, and my knowledge of standard disciplinary processes was of limited relevance. O.S.C. The billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott once recounted, in a television interview, a Chinese folk tale sometimes known as The Lost Horse. The story is about the reversals of fortune a farmer experiences after his prized stallion runs away. It just seems like, if nothing else, Mackenzie's father might have been able to corroborate her story because Cindy may very well have been abusive to him too. Lisa Smith, the mother of one of Mackenzies best friends at Whitfield, said that her daughter once asked why Mackenzie was always injured: My daughter kind of looked at me funny, and I looked back at her and said, What are you trying to say?, When Fendell asked Mackenzie about her bruises, Mackenzie offered vague comments about being clumsy. She petitioned a circuit court in St. Louis to remove her from the registry, arguing that the boards finding was based on insufficient evidence and would compromise her employment. She gave fast. Instead, The New York Times relied on interviews with more than two dozen friends, teachers, former colleagues and acquaintances from every chapter of her life, as well as public records and the rare interviews Ms. Scott has given, generally in conjunction with the publication of one of her novels. A month after beginning the journal, Mackenzie came to school with a black eye. Three days later, on Dec. 18, 2020, the change of her last name to Scott was legal and official, according to court records from Bellevue, Wash. Ms. Scotts father ran an investment advising firm called J. Baker Tuttle Corporation, which by her teenage years was paying him about $360,000, or over $900,000 in todays dollars, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. One student died, and another could have died, because of issues of access in this basement. Mackenzie wrote letters to the social-work school and to Gutmann, the universitys president, expressing her concerns. She was 23 and he was 29. Three decades after worrying about making rent, she is now giving away billions all while trying to keep herself out of the spotlight. Investigate Cardiologist MD Carrie Morrisons Child Abuse Case The kind of philanthropy portrayed in The Testing of Luther Albright resembles the sort practiced by her mother, Holiday Tuttle. Morrison told the Chronicle in a statement: Mackenzie is A student publication at Oxford declared, A privileged student faked being poor to get into Oxford Uni. A morning radio show, syndicated to some hundred stations in the U.S., named Mackenzie its donkey of the day., Norton felt that Penn was defaming its own student, and in a grievance she accused White and Winkelstein of violating university procedures with arbitrary and capricious conduct. Mackenzie Fierceton's mother is a radiologist, and she was raised in an upper-middle-class household. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. But one young Black lady with dead parents using a multibillion-dollar Ivy League institution feels entirely different than the institution using her., Mackenzie understood that her abuse allegations would be investigated all over again, and she found two lawyers who agreed to help her pro bono. Unlike Laurene Powell Jobss Emerson Collective or Ms. French Gatess Pivotal Ventures, Ms. Scott avoided establishing a website or advertising any contact information. That clamor may have driven Ms. Scotts already discreet operation further underground, with recent philanthropic announcements akin to sudden lightning bolts for unsuspecting recipients. Because Mackenzie had always been kind of trotted out by our school as this shining example of a successful alumna.. They learned that, the previous day, the history teacher had called Missouris Child Abuse and Neglect hotline, because Mackenzie had revealed details to her about being sexually abused by Lovelace. In talking about her childhood, Mackenzie was fragile, sometimes narrowly avoiding tears, but when she reflected on how her life intersected with her political ideals she became focussed and self-possessed. Given the financial instability of her teenage years, it would have been understandable if Ms. Scott had discouraged him from taking the risk. Professional career. I just wanted some sort of closeness with an adult, she said. Her foster parents had had a baby, and Mackenzie felt increasingly peripheral to their lives. Using her phone to light the pages, she listed the pros of telling: no more physical/emotional attacks, I get out of this dangerous house, the truth is finally out, I dont have to lie or cover things up. Under cons of telling, she wrote, damaging moms life, could go into foster care, basically I would probably lose everything. After she finished, she loosened the screws of a vent panel on the wall outside her closet and slipped the notebook behind it. Maybe tripped going up the stairs, the universitys president, expressing her concerns or her staff could visit home. Perfectly honest, Im terrified to offend her, Korzen sees a sense of belonging that shes never felt,... 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