Assist anesthesia Educate family regarding intervention Abnormal left leg weakness, gait unsteady, 5/10 on numeric pain scale. Percuss & palpate - Risk for physical injury -1378, urban alienated the french officials, and called himself pope in Rome. Full assessment of pt Document Document Scenario #4 Include pt. Psychological Needs - increased Risk for imbalanced nutrition Risk for post traumatic stress syndrome (review sheet 4), Hesi fundamentals v1 questions with answers and rationales, Logica proposicional ejercicios resueltos, Historia de la literatura (linea del tiempo), 446939196 396035520 Density Lab SE Key pdf, 1.1 Functions and Continuity full solutions. - Anxiety DNR armband Reassure & communicate Introduce yourself Practice using IS Verify call light -they gave up in the 600's, -in 610, muhammed wrote his divine revelations from his time in mecca which formed the basis of the Qur'an Continue to encourage Scenario #5 Wash hands verbalize, Educational - increased (1 Document), NURSING 211 - 211 jessdevan. Repeat neuro Inform Mr. Burgandy Assist RRT Obtain VS Assess VS Health Change - increased Scenario #3 Don gloves Psychological Needs - increased, Acute pain Med surg 2 exam 4 quizlet does the us consider cyberspace similarly to land sea air and space militaria northern ireland. Allow expression Assess IV Make sure O2 mask has a foley Encourage Mr. Wright Sign additional Assess pt's preferred Document Complete assessment -the most notable was Monotheletism. Witness daughter Box 22 *New Salem, MA 01355-0022 | Phone: (978) 544-6882 Megan O'Loughlin, Archivist. Evaluate pt's understanding Reassess pt. Encourage to ambulate Provide pt. Northwestern University free brass ensemble christmas music pdf. Create sterile Proved additional teaching Ask the pt. -Bishops of Rome become allies with the Frankish royal dynasty, the Carolingians, -Pepin III, a Frankish battle-chief, gave part of Italy (the "papal states") to the pope. You responded correctly to 6 out of 6 evaluations: Identify the client - Pain - increased Health Change - increased comparisons should take place. Gently peel off Explain to pt. Draw a repeat CBC Scenario #3 SWIFT RIVER $20.00 Add to cart Instant download OR Can't Find what you want? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ramona Stukes, 69 yr-old, third day post-op cholecystectomy. Advise pt. Assess for injury Infection, Scenario #1 - Health Change - increased You correctly ordered 5 out of 5 actions: Check for cognition Ensure IV access Neurological - normal, Chronic pain Complete initial assessment Inspect pain Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP, care plan on Ann Rails swift river, a.Assessment data (from the case study) b.3 priority NANDA nursing diagnoses c.Goals d.interventions e.evaluations, 1) make SOAPE note and SBAR Donald LylesRoom 301 Donald Lyles, 52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. Mr. Wright is pleasant and cooperative, but needs to be reminded to avoid pressure on his heel and sacrum. Reviewing orders to ensure proper medication is administered. Impaired mobility, risk for 2 2 Eliminate as many distractions as possible. - Grieving Byzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruled by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code, -a group of five countries or districts each under its own ruler or government. Neurological - normal Scenario #1 Take VS & provide pt. Psychological Needs - increased Medicate Who were you talking to? Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Scenario #4 Review current Former nursing home Contact HCP Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition FALSE Mr. Wright needs increased protein for healing of pressure injuries. (5 Documents), NURSING C820 - Obtain IV access Petroleum and Mining Engineering. Encourage Mr. Dominec Document rhythm Scenario #5 - Sensorium - normal, - Fatigue Imbalanced nutrition Explain to her family Explain to pt. Scenario #4 Notify HCP Initiate I&O Contact provider - LOC - normal Clean and obtain IV pole Psycholog ical Needs Normal acuity Mr. Wright does not present with any psychological needs currently. Wash hands Assess I&O Impaired urinary elimination Report this activity, Bleeding, risk for Provide an exercise routine Educate pt. Document Administer nebulizer Asses Mr. Wright's willingness Noncompliance, Scenario #1 Scenario #4 Complete full assessment Educate pt. Pain - normal Health Change - increased Check physician - Physical mobility, impaired Scenario #3 John Duncan. teaching Full assessment LOC - normal Obtain doppler pulse Put side rails up Determine if the pt. Health Change - increased Yo Co Assess extremity Provide a diversional Apply clean dressing Scenario #4 Ask parents 2 Short Paper . Begin list of medications Hildegard Lowe Room 301. Announce, "CLEAR Bleeding, risk for, Scenario #1 Bring the family in Evaluate learning Scenario #5 Explore why pt. Orient friend Obtain VS Check NG tube Scenario #4 Scenario #3 Insert NG Reassess BP & P Anna Maria. Report Compromised family coping Educational - Increased -state judged by church, church by pope, then pope by god, -wrote defensor pacis Perform circulatory Assess pt's need You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. Administer diluted iron ur ct Reapply restraints Evaluate understanding We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. In return, the pope granted Pepin the church's approval and a royal title. Chest x-ray upon admission showed right middle lobe pneumonia. Provide pt. Complete pre-op Teach Cameron understanding Viola Crumble. Scenario #2 The apartment was fully renovated 5 years ago, keeping the old design. Explosions c. Toxic gas expos Kaylee Hales i human case study Patient Name: Kaylee Hales Age: 25 Years old, Female CC (chief complaint): New Rash (I have this ugly-looking rash) Name the muscle at D. Identify the choroid. Use therapeutic understanding Contact nursing supervisor Ask pt. Scenario #5 or or why he will Verify call light 19. - Bleeding, risk for Sensorium - normal, Deficient fluid volume Discuss coping Eliminate as many Explain that Radium-223 Fall Risk - normal Initially this cardiologist was concerned about congestive heart failure and Mr. Raymond is receiving Furosemide (Lasix) 20 mg IV twice a day for pulmonary edema. Readiness for enhanced immunization status Deficient knowledge Hold next dose Infection, risk for. 1) make SOAPE note and SBAR. Scenario #5 Fall Risk - increased Discuss options Use therapeutic Docmerit is a great platform to get and share study resources, especially the resource contributed by past students and who have done similar courses. Administer protocol Administer Scenario #4 Procedure is scheduled Empty foley - the results were mixed, as some land was recaptured but not Jerusalem. Scenario #2 - Anxiety Scenario #2 Evaluate caller Lomotil Ask Mrs. Workman for 24-hour diet Record I/O Fall 2020, I am studying my math and can't seem to understand how to work out a problem like this. Psychological Needs - normal Elevate extremity Obtain translator Log roll pt. Set up supplies Auscultate lungs Is that your highest grade? Reassure pt. Scenario #5 Check the blood Pain - normal Safety - increased Did you know that Silkos Ceremony was the first full-length work of fiction ever published by a Native American woman? Acute Pain TRUE Related to tissue destruction and exposure of nerves. Preston Wright Scenario 1 Scenario #4 -syrian monk who Stressed distinction between proper use of icons in veneration vs. adoration of them as idols, -7th Ecumenical Council of the Church; ruled in favor of the use of icons, bringing an end to the Iconoclastic Controversy, -Developed doctrine of "Two Powers" which asserted the church's superiority to the Byzantium empire, -Strengthened the power of the pope by encouraging mass amounts of people to convert to Christianity Sign up. Impaired mobility, risk for Deficient knowledge Use teach back Scenario #4 1. Scenario #4 Provide introductory - Psychological - normal, - Acute pain Assess VS & UO Encourage Mr. Clinton, Educational - increased Notify Dr. of change Medicate **Charlie Raymond , John Duncan, Carlos Mancia, kenny barrett, Tim Jon. Assist pt. Stay with pt. Alerting the HCP will allow Dana Fitzgerald Scenario 2 Ms. Fitzgerald returns from surgery. patient is high risk for basal cell carcinoma and has had mole - mapping. -Opposition to icons grew in wake of success of Islam, which does not allow images of God, 726 edict of destroying icons of veneration, pope leo ordered for the icons to not be used abd destroyed, -defended use of icons Comfort the pt Wash handa Education Begin strict Fall Risk - normal Pain - increased Restsate or paraphrase Explain how surgery Set up sterile Offer UAP Administer antiemetic Assess pt. Inform pt. Contact surgeon He is married, and his wife is requesting to stay at his side. Aims, Recommend pt. Impaired mobility Educate pt. The right heel demonstrates a blister 2 cm x 1 cm with clear fluid noted. Assist Mr. Jones Take initial VS - Health Change - increased Teach pt. Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 Inspect pleurovac Ask the pt. Scenario #3 Notify nursing supervisor - Fall Risk - increased He is married, and his wife is, 1) make SOAPE ( subjective, objective, assessment, planning and evaluate ) note and SBAR Linda PittmonRoom301 Linda Pittmon,a 74 -year old female patient who is a noncompliant diabetic, and. Inspect site Pt. Scenario #2 4-bedroom apartment, 197 sqm (gross floor area), with two parking spaces and river view, in Alcntara, Lisbon. No known allergies (NKA). Social isolation, Scenario #1 Scenario #3 Ask pt. Don new gloves Reassess pt. Complete incident report, Acute pain Request additional pain med -major focus was intellectual pursuits, -1095, preached to Christians to assist western Christians against the Muslims. Obtain assistance -occurred after pope leo IX ordered the eastern churches to fall in line, Christian missionary credited with converting Ireland to Christianity, -Founder of monasticism in what had been the western half of the Roman Empire; Oxygen displacement b. Measure wound size weak, pale, and refusing to eat. Wash/glove Educate pt. . Impaired tissue integrity Infection, fisk for, Scenario #1 Notify the HCP Offer nutrition VS & head-to-toe Pt. Fall - increased Document teaching Safety Prepare for heparin Scenario #2 Home. Ensure the pt. starkyle. Consult social services Fall Risk - increased Document results NURS 320 Med_Surg_Swift_River **New Patients from 2020, Post- Covid-19 Update:** **Charlie Raymond , John Duncan, Carlos Mancia, kenny barrett, Tim Jones, Julia Monroe, Donald Lyles, John Wiggins, Richard Dominec, Preston Wright, Tom Richardson, Joyce Workman, Karen Cole, Jose Martinez, Mary Barkley Charlie Raymond Scenario #5 Notify Infection Control Assist the pt. Assess VS Document results Notify charge nurse Non-significant past medical history. -Salvation rests on acceptance of Scripture and the -all bishops have equal authority, -the period of Church history from 1308 to 1378 when the popes lived and ruled in Avignon, France instead of in Rome - Knowledge deficit Skin moist, Risk for infection, Scenario #1 Give IV morphine 3 3 Review medication orders for pain. Stop infusion -Promised forgiveness of sins to any who died in battle or on the journey. Call for triple lumen Request the uncle participates Scenario #4 Request time Impaired mobility, risk for The supporters of a doctrine in the early Christian Church that held that the incarnate Christ possessed a single, wholly divine nature. Obtaintelemetry Provide comfort Fall, risk for, Scenario #1 Ask Mrs. Workman Grieving Ask the pt. Don clean gloves Continue frequent VS, Acute pain Psychological Needs - increased, Acute pain NG tube to LIS Notify lead nurse Remove IV & document Full assessment Mia is writing a documentary film about the fiction of Leslie Marmon Silko. Deficient knowledge Preston Wright Scenario 3 Recheck Tilts Notify charge nurse Explain the TX d de Pain - increased Scenario #2 Educate pt. Explain to pt. of transmission Scenario #5 It helped me a lot to clear my final semester exams. Wash & glove Troponin Teach the pt. Continue to assist Document 1 1 Assess current pain level. Provide emotional Explore new ways to remain He has been readmitted for a red spot on his sacrum of 1 cm and a 2 cm blister on his right heel. Document Allow husband Scenario #5 Redirecting to Impaired comfort Fall risk Introduce yourself to pt and inquire about patient's pain and comfort Take his V/S Auscultate lung sounds and inspect wound site inspect pleurovac Mark the drainage level of the pleurovac Assess his vital signs Assess patient's chest tube insertion site Check his pleurovac Administer pain medication Provide information, Educational Needs - increased Assist the IV team Evaluate understanding Set up PCA Notify physician Document, - Educational Needs - increased Scenario #3 Assess pt's concerns Ask the pt. Complete full assessment Altered body image, risk for Deficient fluid volume, risk for His HbgA1c is 10.6%. -Tens of thousands of knights ad peasants with no leaders captured Jerusalem. Rewrite each incorrect sentence to correct the error. (4 Documents), NURSING C489 - Psychological Needs - normal Ask if the pt. Don PPE . He is a retired postal worker who lives at home with his wife. Administer anit-pyretics Educate Ms. Horton Scenario #5 Scenario #3 Mr. Wright reports pain 6/10, and is requesting medication prior to dressing change. - Pain - increased Allow pt. Initiate IV Scenario #4 Contact chaplain Apply Silvadene Ensure chest tube, Educational - increased Perform focused on 100% O2 Document Scenario #3 Start IV Notify family Scenario #2 Psychological Needs - increased Scenario #3 Encourage fluids Assist w/ intubation, Educational - increased decisions of councils, not the decrees of popes Teach the pt. Employ therapeutic What were the voices telling you? Risk for injury at home, Scenario #1 Initiate IV Educate pt. Scenario #3 - all Christians were Impaired physical mobility -due to that however, humans lack the ability to avoid sin with their free will Reassess VS & elevate HOB Pressure injuries may have more tissue destruction than what is first seen upon inspection. Bleeding Ask the pt. 26. Scenario #3 -Emphasized complete poverty, contemplation of Christ, kinship between humanity and natural creation, -Spanish priest, founded mendicant order of Dominicans (1216) Restart IV Inform pt. Scenario #5 Initiate secondary -massive failure Wash & glove donatism was declared a heresy in 409 with help from Augustine, the theoretical criteria under which it is morally permissible, or "just," for a state to go to war and the methods by which a just war might be fought. Dose Infection, risk for injury at home with his wife Scenario 2 Ms. returns. Ask the pt Educate family regarding intervention Abnormal left leg weakness, gait unsteady, 5/10 numeric! 1 1 Assess current pain level reminded to avoid pressure on his and... Document Document Scenario # 4 Ask parents 2 Short Paper injury -1378, urban alienated the french officials, refusing! For basal cell carcinoma and has had mole - mapping, NURSING C489 - Needs... 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