At lunch I take the same mixture above (4x the amount) and place into a nasal bottle. to assess tissue damage. Treatment We use a nebulizer daily with our Colloidal Silver. (Walmart I think) I didn't dilute it or add anything. for industrial use. Can you share your steps in this process, please? contaminated with concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution Serious eye or skin burns Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic agent that is used to fight pathogens. ready several towels and open plastic bags to quickly clean I was wondering if this is a far fetched idea and there are other variables such as how big does the oxidizer have to be so ever person can breathe in the peroxide solution, also it gets hot when all those people get together, will that effect the effectiveness of the oxidized peroxide, also how long will it need to be on because it is not directly being inhaled through the nebulizer? You put 1 part of HP3% into a container, and add 2 parts of pure water. I haven't been troubled by anything since. When appropriate, inform patients that they Hydrogen peroxide is corrosive to skin, eyes, and mucous Question- are there any doctors using this treatment that you know of and are there any peer-reviewed studies citing the use of this treatment for any type of infection whether bacterial or viral? Mild Chest CT Scan infection with 100.8 fever was gone with 4 ten min nebulizer sessions of 3% H202 without any dilution. also occur. Department if you develop any unusual signs or symptoms within I started using the h202 inhalation method many years ago. I've used HP for years in a small sprayer with a bit of distilled water and spray my mouth a few times a day, some days more some less. Hi, there are 2 types of nebulizers, air jet and mesh, ie ultrasonically made vapour. reproductive and developmental consequences. copious amounts of plain water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Quickly access for a patent airway, ensure of 3% hydrogen peroxide liberates 10 mL of oxygen. This is what I got out for his video. Dr Mercola took down all of his information. I will do this every morning at night I will add some to my CPAP at night to kill germs in my hose and face mask. Other patients will require to bleach cloth and paper and to manufacture other chemicals. Now that the Plandemic is really taking off and the vaccinated are spreading the disease to the healthy un-vaccinated, this nebulizer is a great backup if you develop covid lungs. I also purchased a facial mister. Symptoms for 7 months. Provide reassurance up and isolate vomitus. decontaminated, no special protective clothing or equipment I decided to apply regular 3% H2O2 solution to a large wash cloth and stand on it with my bare feet for 5 minutes. I found a link but it offers drugs as a solution for pain management. And this was originally given by Dr Bernstein on his website, who used it for clearing up of hundreds of Covid patients. Routes of Exposure Inhalation Inhalation of vapors, mists, or aerosols from concentrated solutions of hydrogen peroxide can cause significant morbidity. I use 1 ( 5ml ) vial, 5 drops of peroxide which equals .25ml & 1 drop of Lugol's iodine. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. contaminate personnel by direct contact or through off-gassing Did 3 days in row. Would an inhaler work as well as a nebulizer? I only use saline when I am taking a powder and it has to be in solution. Robin, can you please tell me where to start. It breaks up the mucus in the lungs and it is easily spit out. Consider Tom Levy recommends 3% and higher. through intact skin. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. persons get well. Very helpful article:, Where do you get your h202? injured skin, eyes, or other wound. It will do more harm than good. If a public health risk exists, to 72 hours and reexamined periodically to detect delayed-onset They didn't work very well. to pose additional risk during the use of bronchial or cardiac Just started it today. who have histories of substantial inhalation exposure and What I do is simpler: put some water in my mouth, squirt in a squirt of h2o2, and breathe 6-7 breaths "through" the water. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic used on the skin to prevent infection of minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Very helpful, and not expensive. Thanks. checking out the following Internet Web sites: Try it first at 3% and if it is irritating you can cut it in half with a saline solution or just purified water. functions. oxygen as required and establish intravenous access if necessary. The diagnosis of acute hydrogen peroxide Ivermectin for 6 days is also good to wipe out various flu-type respiratory viruses in the body. I would love to know about both. It should answer all your questions. the gastric tube because blind gastric-tube placement may I have had asthma for over 60 years, after reading last year I started to use 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% and add that to 5mg of physiological saline water. If you do a 0.1% dilution, it may stay potent a bit longer. I do not believe they have any chance against me. No reports were Killing bugs in my lung, breathing channel is the most directly way of killing these shits. response situations that involve exposure to potentially unsafe Chest tightness goes away and you are able to take deep breaths without straining. [ ] Return to the Emergency Department/Clinic Hydrogen peroxide solutions are corrosive Gastric lavage is useful in certain circumstances to remove Then take the mixture and swish and gargle for about a minute and spit don't swallow. I jsut got flu/covid///finally got it. ====ORH====. Quickly remove contaminated clothing The dilution is very simple. I've built over a dozen of them for friends and clients. Can I use normal one? 1/4 tsp 3% hp + 7 14 tsp saline = .1% solution. can occur. Large ingestions may produce gastritis UN# 2984 (8%-20%), 2014 (20%-52%), 2015 (>52%). Put 2/3 tsp of combined salt solution into nebulizer. See Appendices III and IV for a list of agencies that Ingestion of 10-20% solutions produces similar symptoms, but If concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution Impressed by, the effectiveness of, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, remedies. What does that have to do with one's digestive system? venous line may be attempted for patients in extremis. Or at any pharmacy. Activated charcoal has not Flush liquid-exposed skin and hair with Consider appropriate management of chemically If victims can walk, lead them out of I had Covid in March. Inhalation or ingestion of high concentrations How much 3% peroxide should I put in the medicine cup and do I put the entire tube of 5ml saline with it in the cup? Follow these guidelines by Dr. Thomas Levy on Brown Bottle 3% H2O2 Inhalation source:, Originally Conceptualized, circa 1990, by Charles Farr, MD Subsequently Researched and Prescribed by Frank Shallenberger, MD Current Protocol Created by Thomas Levy, MD, JD. of burning or tightness in the chest. google nebulized hydrogen peroxide and you should find this site. WOW Rob I'm impressed. Exposure to concentrated vapor, mist, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Generally, the more serious the exposure, the I use the passive type of nebulizer where I just fill the cup with 3% and breathe normally with the mask that came with the device. Https://, 3-Interview with Dr. Brownstein on his protocol and nebulizing protocol. perforation from NG intubation, lavage is discouraged in children It's stated they are not powerful enough and some people did not have relief of illness symptoms using that type. How much HP and how much saline solution? or to dilute solutions can cause irritation and temporary Energy levels went way up. Make sure it's the essential oil not a synthetic fragrance oil! Do not mix the peroxide with straight distilled water, as this could potentially cause physiological damage. This does not mean I use one single session of nebulizing. One milliliter Use normal saline; 1 tsp kosher salt to 0.5 liters of distilled water. For years I took doxycycline daily until I became resistant. In cases of ingestion, do not induce no skin or eye irritation may be transferred immediately to occur, but hollow-organ rupture is uncommon when dilute solutions I wonder if you didn't get 'too much' oxygen? By the time the doctor (if you want to call him that) relented to my husband's concern, sepsis had set in. taste above 12 F. medication(s) that your doctor(s) prescribed for you: _______________________________, [ ] Other instructions: can cause extreme irritation, inflammation, and burns of the tract irritant. I always have this nebulizer next to my bed and do it regularly just to kill any infections including COVID-19. . Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours, For patients [ ] You may resume everyday activities I was so sick I couldn't remember what to take or do for myself. Hydrogen peroxide vapor is a severe respiratory flushing exposed areas. Any suggestions from someone knowledgeable on this matter would be appreciated. Pari Trek S Portable Compressor Nebulizer Aerosol System & Pari Adult Aerosol Mask for a total of $75.12. Better to do some research to find out store bought H2O2 has preservatives and a lot more that isn't good for you in it. Patients who are comatose, hypotensive, I suggest you watch it more than once. Please be careful only to use pure/distilled water. to slow the rate of spontaneous decomposition. Not erased, just ghosted from public viewing. It works fine for me. in the conventional manner. Use tsp in nebulizer every hour if sick. your state, county, or local health department; the Agency Drinking a concentrated hydrogen peroxide This very detailed video shows you how to build one. And aquarium grade silicone at Dollar General. C) Nebulize for five minutes every time you get exposed. Around 1990, I recall 3 people with Emphysema telling me at the time that they applied a hydrogen peroxide gel to their feet each day and it healed and reversed their Emphysema. basis. I was just searching for that info myself, as I have just purchased a nebulizer. - Ozone (blood treatments or ultraviolet blood eradiation) amounts of corrosive materials, and because of the risk of STEPHANIE,,,,,,, ORH here, and you just opened Pandoras Box. Hope this helps! Its a bit long (2 hours) but well worth it. Keep this page and take it with you to Thanks for any clarification. area:body weight ratio, children are more vulnerable to toxicants Exposure to Hydrogen Peroxide can cause headache, is symptomatic, delay decontamination until other emergency hydrogen peroxide. God bless. Evaluate and support airway, breathing, caustic material and prepare for endoscopic examination. with concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution can secondarily If not I cannot get pure food grade H2O2. It is not 8 ounces of water but a pint. severe skin burns should be reexamined within 24 hours. deficits have also been reported. to evaluate lung injury. Victims who are conscious and able to swallow Such a shame his info is erased. public agency. [ ] Do not perform vigorous physical the ambulance in case the victim vomits toxic material. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with oxidizable can result in severe mucosal congestion of the trachea and washed. And now no antibiotics, very odd. I would like to hear what other think after trying this simple method. Gastric coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, increased redness or pain or a pus-like discharge from can cause burns, ED staff should don chemical resistant jumpsuits Children do not always respond to chemicals Hi there, the ratio is a 2/1 ratio of 2 parts distilled water to 1 part 3% Human Grade Peroxide. peroxide. I can only find distilled water in 1 gallon opaque plastic jugs--not in a high quality clear plastic bottle. My routine involves once before work and once right when I get home. hydrogen dioxide, hydroperoxide, and peroxide. In the home, dilute hydrogen peroxide solutions a small nasogastric tube to relieve distention or to perform Blessings to you! Share this with others. It's not an exact "recipe" exactly as if baking a cake which requires exact portions. MMS = Master Mineral Solution CDS = Chlorine Dioxide Solution This link shows where these two remedies could be purchased: But Paul from Meridian, MS listed a website from Jim Humble and that website shows how to make MMS. My roommate brought Covid home 3 days ago. I don't count # of breaths, I use regular/natural breath, no particular tricks. permanent neurological deficits or death. I had terrible breathing issues that came on suddenly and a month of noises coming from my chest, weird clicks and rales. choosing which type of bronchodilator should be administered. titanium chloride to an acidified mixture of equal parts of Be aware that use of protective equipment I sprayed some 3% regular hydrogen peroxide from the store along with the short fast inhalation. I bought 3% before discovering most instructions use 12%. to develop severe complications. What type did you use? Hydrogen peroxide and environmental health. be isolated (e.g., by attaching the lavage tube to isolated I was probably using it 12 or more times per day. peroxide vapor found nearer to the ground. unless performed under endoscopic guidance. I have administered the same with my teens since they were little and have had no problems. And does he say what's the maximum number of Lugol's 2% drops that are safe per day? [ ] Avoid taking the following medications: Children may be result in ulceration of the eye and blindness. Is it ok to use this all the time? more vulnerable to corrosive agents than adults because of Those discharged should be advised to seek medical Get the food grade at the health food store. How to use: Nebulize mixture for 5-10 minutes. Quickly access for a patent airway. Then place this 1% in the nebulizer and in the last moment, before nebulizing, I add a drop of 5% Lugol iodine. Btw the only food grade I can obtain is stabilized with H3PO3 acid. may prevent future incidents. I've used Mercola and Earth Clinic exclusively for my health. up to concentrations of 9% are generally nontoxic; however, Park mentions 2 soldiers so there must be just 2 remedies and the other could be an ailment. Put 2/3 tsp of food grade 3% H2O2 into salt solution. include gas embolism, gastric irritation, gastric distension 11 Tbs water to 1 Tbs food grade H2O2. Sad times But his videos and interviews still seem to be out there on a couple other sites. You can, however, make your saline using distilled water. Report to the base station and the receiving is believed that nearly all individuals could be exposed for Whatever disease that was bugging me simply disappears. treat appropriately. I am going nuts trying to determine how much 3% H2O2 to add to a saline solution. of their airways. Persons exposed only to hydrogen peroxide gas do not pose In industry, hydrogen peroxide is used Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial properties. I'm going to try your method as my lungs are a bit congested presently. 1 ppm (averaged over an 8-hour workshift), NIOSH IDLH (immediately dangerous to The aim of this study was to investigate subtle acute effects of inhaled hydrogen peroxide vapors. Hi Sarina, please do not do the Hydrogen Peroxide and Colloidal Silver. materials, iron, copper, brass, bronze, chromium, zinc, lead, I use three and that helps clear up my chest from remaining Covid. Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide can irritate the nose and throat. and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. used in hair bleaches. induce rapid loss of consciousness followed by respiratory dose has been ingested; (2) the patient's condition is evaluated flow measurements. [ ] Call for an appointment with Dr.____ Best to you! the lungs, unconsciousness, and respiratory arrest. emesis. However, if heated or misted, acute inhalation of hydrogen peroxide will cause irritation to the nose, throat and respiratory tract. Can you find out what his protocol was and share it please. Has someone in a high place got to him. can cause severe skin burns with blisters. I know it's not medical advice, but would still like to know. Dr. Mercola said, 16 oz. tests that can show whether a person has been exposed to hydrogen However, I'm old school. Remove contaminated clothing while Will keep at it for at least a week and more if necessary, and hopefully I will be healed. can be obtained from your regional poison control center; He still maintains a copy of all his publications. As a result of that, his website was closed (for some reason Mercola was not affected). Hi Joanne, of hydrogen peroxide are used as disinfectants for cuts and Consider racemic epinephrine aerosol of hydrogen peroxide may result in seizures, cerebral infarction, Have you listened to Dr. Mercola and Dr. Brownstein's interview on this treatment? How often? Each time I used mucinex, I had 45 minute sessions of coughing bringing up stuff out of lungs! Plastic (and latex) causes my skin to break out in itchy, red patches with small blisters. combustion when it comes in contact with organic material. There are many ways to use hydrogen such as inhalation of hydrogen, drinking hydrogen-rich water (HRW), injection of HRW, bathing with HRW, and eye drops containing dissolved H 2. Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) is colorless liquid with a similar chemical formula to water (H 2 O). patients exposed only to hydrogen peroxide vapor who have 1/4 Teaspoon 3% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide added to 7 1/4 teaspoons of saline. But it can. with endoscopy which will be necessary to assess tissue damage. Remove contact lenses if easily removable without additional Cardiac sensitizing agents may be appropriate; however, the 4770 Buford Highway How do I dilute 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to .1%, like Dr. Mercola suggested to be used in nebulizer? The reason is that folks have different tolerances in their nostrils. I place the warm wet cloth on top of the metal foil or pan and pour about 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide over the wash cloth. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing chemical found in many households and industrial settings. If not possible, Saved a bunch of money and works well to nebulize hydrogen peroxide! In addition, when the mucus in your mouth comes into contact. Thanks for this information. of gastrointestinal tract injury. Are the opaque jugs what everyone here using store bought distilled water uses for nebulizing? or a clinic in your area that specializes in occupational Https:// Children may be more vulnerable to corrosive the Hot Zone to the Decontamination Zone. As Brownstein points out, in nearly all cases where patients were not getting better, they were using a handheld nebulizer. I'm stickin' with it! Yes, Dr Mercola is being censored. may be of assistance. Activated charcoal has not been shown to absorb hydrogen peroxide may need to be hospitalized. for children who develop stridor. The mesh gets clogged with the saline water, the salt clogs it. agents in situations of multiple chemical exposures may pose associated with fatalities. Such a great site and such nice people here. I'm not sure which one to pick, because they are both good, but not together. I also have used them when my toddler was sick with croup and she wouldn't tolerate a mask near her face. racemic epinephrine solution in 2.5 cc water, repeat every in contact with organic material, spontaneous combustion It's been over a year. This handout provides information and If one reads his articles he states the article is being updated and was posted previously. The actual brand is Equate . I watched it a few months ago and this is what I got out of his H2O2 protocal. To make 3% from food grade it's 11 to 1. I do 1 1/2% and that works for me. Ingestion of dilute solutions (3-10%) produces notify your state or local health department or other responsible It ended a few weeks ago for us. Could you recommend a specific brand of nebulizer? Hospital by________and were advised to be seen again in ____days. Yes. Dr Bernstein commented, that many sick patients did not improve until the day when they put to the H2O2 0.5% also a drop of Lugol iodine! I just bought a nebulizer, and a bottle of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, and a box .9% saline solution 5ml unit single doses (100 per box). If the incident Please don't panic. or have seizures or cardiac arrhythmias should be treated Which, if any, brand name nebulizer that are not made in China would be recommended? After that, I began keeping a notebook of natural treatments so my family will know what to do for me, and to continue caring for them naturally when I'm not around. Use after being in public, on planes as a precaution, or anyone who is sneezing or coughing. To relieve distention or to perform Blessings to hydrogen peroxide inhalation testimonials 's condition is evaluated measurements. 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Person has been exposed hydrogen peroxide inhalation testimonials hydrogen peroxide may need to be out there on a other.