never say this in front of mirror at night

These are possibly real aetheric attacks. -Victor. Seriously..why are you so scared of yourself? Though Ive never had any personal experience with the consequences mentioned by the feng shui experts, I do know that mirror facing the bed is just bad experience. Or keep it in a closed room, behind closed doors. Cat scratching reflective surfaces. For a three-dimensional object standing in front of the mirror, there is an image of the object created behind the mirror with the right side still on the right, the . -Victor. Shes afraid to ask him to remove the mirrors and thats the point we are at now. Your email address will not be published. Subscribe and get email updates or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I was feeling something is not right still I ignored. Thanks for sharing this it really helped me to understand a lot of things, which were going on lately. Then one day it dawned on the woman that the bedroom was a particularly strong source of that unusual activity. Even though I dont know your story, I feel like I have had a similar experience as you with a mirror recently. Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. I am a deep sleeper normally but in this new place i would wake up very often at night mostly panicking. I wake up more refreshed less tired. Victor, I just saw your post from two years ago. Was wondering if we paint the mirrors would this also be ok as I am worried and they are very heavy to move them and impossible to cover with sheets? Been ridding with a mirrored visor at night so long I hardly notice it anymore. Your brain gets bored There is a great chance that your brain is playing games with you. I never have a large mirror in my bedroom, but romovalist accidentially placed there, being busy, i never noticed until three weeks . It is our biological trait that allows us to survive on Earth. Thanks for sharing your story and letting everyone know! A huge chunk of people is of the view that when you stare in the mirror for too long, your brain gets bored and hence, starts hallucinating. A species of divination, which was performed by lowering a mirror into water, allowing a sick person to look at their reflection. According to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, our eyes detect movement through a neural circuit in the retina at the back of our eyes. =) -Victor. She earned this title after burning 280 people alive for being Protestants. Apotropaic magic is a type of magic that is intended to ward off harm of evil influences by deflecting misfortune or stopping the evil eye. Me and my boyfriend were reading your article a day before he passed away by drowning in swimming pool, such a tragic and unexpected incident!! Always dangerous WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? And I couldnt sleep for days. A. The reflection in the mirror having a mind of its own. Just because of your achievements in bodybuilding are significant, it doesnt mean that you should shut your brain from other knowledge whether its real or superficial. Once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to roam. They then placed the children in front of a mirror (hence the term "mirror test") to see how they responded. The original Mary in this myth is Mary Tudor, the first queen of England. This is supposed to bring you wealth and attract prosperity. The ancient Chinese believe that when youre asleep, youre between two worlds the Yin (spiritual) and the Yang (our world). Not ideal if you're seeking a peaceful night's sleep. Im starting to feel a over emotional need to not leave this bedroom. Hi Michelle, Thanks for sharing your experience! If anything, it's an excellent lesson in why attempting to play a ritual . You have to consider how much you hate yourself in order for you to be tormented by your own image. The door leads into The Loft area, down eight steps, and into the very large open floor plan living room with cathedral ceilings. This explains why your attention is naturally attracted to whatever that moves, whether they are in front of your eyes or in the corner of your eyes. Nightmares 2. Youre good as long as you dont see your own reflection when your in bed. Seeing a reflection of yourself moving around isn't really conducive to a good sleeping environment. Of course . But she didnt know what to do about it. Sleeping in front of the mirror at night is similar to having a mirror facing the bed at night. The happy couple should stand in front of a mirror together. Every mirror in the house. I am afraid of three things: 1. AskReddit, Ouija-style. Feng shui expert Vicky Sweetlove revealed to Mattress Next Day: "When a mirror is placed in front of the bed, it is . a room divider? Ambers method is a solution too. You feel empty 7. If youre in search of an unbreakable mirror (or at least one thats slightly less prone to breaking), using an acrylic mirror is your safest bet! One that after I tell the story you can tell me how to destroy it, PLEASE. Required fields are marked *. There were three children involved (one his and two hers) and the children experienced the orbs, shadows and noises also. Let me take you to an anatomy lab and stare at dead bodies with the stink of formalin acid. To prevent trapped souls and demons roaming about, simply keep your mirrors covered if someone passes. 1 / 66. E. with a ray normal to a mirror passing through it. -Victor. when i sit on bed facing mirror, my body except head reflects in mirror. Many experts say that a mirror facing the bed promotes intrusion of a third party into the couples relationship and possibly encourage infidelity. i have mirror inbuilt in my bed at headbox. Breaking glass on your wedding day is a good omen (just try to avoid mirrors!). Good article. 1. I told my bf about your story. thanks, Hi Randhir, If you think the mirror is the cause of your problems, try covering it with a piece of cloth. I feel that mirrors can be quite spooky, especially if the environment is darkened. Hi Katherine, Im assuming that your mirror is facing your bed. It is said that mirrors will invite spirits into the lives of people whenever it is placed in the wrong place. (Vancouver, BC, Canada) My cat is always "pawing" at the mirrors in my apartment and also the glass on my wardrobe door. Upon remembering what I had dreamt about, my attention went straight to the large wooden encased mirror in my bedroom facing my bed. A true mirror uses two first surface mirrors place perfectly against each other at a 90 degree angle. NOT at the foot or the head of it? It doesnt necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. Aside from that, the personal energy of the person sleeping in front of the mirror will be deleted. The man was convinced it was a ghost of a woman who might be attracted to him and he had a cleansing and exorcism done on the house. Big no no..Its all true youll be restless I handled it pretty well because I had company most times than not a girlfriend that stayed with me but this one time she slept over and strangest thing she woke me up early morning about 4am and she looked so freaked out. If you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, you may want to reconsider. Safety glass still breaks; it just doesn't shatter. They flip front to back. Its definitely better than head under window and facing door. Catoptroman`cy (? As for Feng Shui, I can hardly give you any advice without a full review of your place. What not to do in front of the mirror - tips and tricks ===== A new twist on the classic mirror game, this Reddit-popularized rite involves setting up candles, a fan, mirrors, three chairs one that you sit in and two that you place mirrors upon and then. If you or someone you know is getting married, then this one is for you! Design: Light & Dwell. -Victor. . These can include guardian angels but also demons as well. Four pretty blue eyes. To look deep in yourself 5. They were remodelers. They are portals. And yes the only thing is I do get startled by the reflections. That window actually views out over into the trees with the green leaves in the summer and the driveway and Street. Hi Gillian, Im truly sorry about your loss. But because of the movement reflected by the mirror, you brain will get a false sense of movement in that area, and it may creep you out. For those that get scared by it, please know that it is not some supernatural phenomenon. Covering a mirror after the death of a loved one originated as a Kabbalist tradition. Hi Victor, I have experienced cheating by my spouse My house had mirror on the entire wall covering the closet .. since I m from india i always thought according to Vasstu its not good but now I can see the consequesnces too thankfully now just 6 months ago I moved out of that house with no mirrorsso Things should improve. Hi Dr. Pi, Thanks for sharing your thoughts! The homes came standard with all closet sliding mirror doors. I dont know what to make of it, but she is going to try to get him to agree to just remove the mirrors. I have slept so extremely well the last days, feel more balanced, positive and myself again. Say the middle portion of the bed.. is that problematic ? Ancient Roman culture believed that the soul regenerated every 7 years. No need to cover it. "Happy! Heres another video that shows the connection between our vision and our sense of touch in the brain, as illustrated by a National Geographic show called Brain Games: The easiest way to remedy this situation is to cover the mirror with cloth (for mirrors on closet doors) or reposition the mirror so that it doesnt reflect your bed (for standing mirrors). Legend says she may scream at you, or even reach through the mirror and wrap her cold hands around your throat. Hi Elsa, You caught my interest. So if I just covered my mirror with a blanket it would help? What I found was that you may have trouble falling asleep, and here are the reasons why. Personally, Ive seen weird stuff in mirrors. If the reflection appeared distorted and ghastly, it was an ill omen; if fresh and healthy, it was favorable. This being said, if youre actively trying to scare yourself, it probably wont have the same effect. I really just want the experience although a man in a mirror would totally creep me out. You might be playing with fire 3. 151 views, 6 likes, 8 loves, 22 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Miller Memorial Baptist Church: Sunday, February 26, 2023~ Reverend Damaris Y Walker, Esq., Pastor ~ Scripture: Song of. Youre good as long as it doesnt bother you! . When I dug deeper, I found that 58% of Americans want to improve their sleep quality. ), keep the following do's and don'ts in mind when decorating with mirrors. In this post, you will see my opinion as to why feng shui doesnt like mirror facing the bed. Can cause confusion 2. How is the curse undone? SURVIVOR. To escape. In Samoa, they cover their mirrors at night time. Thinking back now there was no way to escape it anyhow. This was how our ancient predecessors hunted for food and survived from predators. If you want to see your future husband, youre going to need 4 things: a mirror, a lit candle, an apple, and a knife. Let me remind you that the terms used to interpret feng shui was quite different in ancient times. So it started off with a mans scream loud enough to wake me, once I was awake he screamed again. There are some pretty good reasons for why you should never sleep across from a mirror. 14. Ive had mirrors facing beds as long as I can remember and I am an insomniac.Before my partner moved in with me years ago he was a good sleeper but now he sleeps badly. Thanks, amber, Hi Amber, your solution is great. It can also cause sleeplessness and nightmares. Although these reflections are much less superior to the mirror, they have the tendency create the unwanted distractions mentioned earlier. All rights reserved. It helps us keep an eye on our form and allows us to track our physical progressi.e. If her cooker/plumbing/washer/boiler goes wrong, so does mine and vice versa. Increased infidelity? Im glad that you feel more balanced and positive again! By entering the room and seeing the mirror facing the bed + the mirrors next to the bed which were from top to bottom, I remember thinking to myself: ah this are portals, how lovely (sarcastic tone) and I just let it slide and ignore it. Neber said anything to nobody cause they might think i was crazy.. Sit in a dark room about three feet (1 meter) away from a mirror. Be careful which symbols you use, and if you arent clear of the meaning of a symbol, get rid of it immediately because it can do more harm than good. Umm we like to look at ourselves in bed. My experienced with mirror facing the bed, is that i dont have good relationship with my roomates, the mirror was facing me and everything seems not normal to me. While scaring yourself in a mirror brings good luck, scaring friends in a mirror brings a good laugh. Smaller Mirrors Belong on Smaller Walls, and Vice Versa. So we actually placed a mirror on the opposite wall facing the sliding door to create a feeling of space. you yet encounter any so dont speak too soon. Some people say that if you look in the bathroom mirror at midnight you will see who your boyfriend will be. Acrylic is made of polymers of methyl methacrylate, which essentially just makes it a reactive resin. Throw salt over your left shoulder onto the Devil himself. Thanks for sharing your story! With their help, Im able to secure 1st place in all competitions i partake with thorough practice in large studio wall mirrors. Back in World War 2, the United Kingdom (England) used mirrors to detect sound waves coming from enemy aircraftso they could prepare their air defenses. DO NOT place a mirror in front of your bed. The Blue Baby Urban Legend Image source: To execute this legend, you need to go into the bathroom, close the door and shut off the lights. Mirrors are helpful because they reflect energy in the form of light. I could go on..but anyway, I used to love mirrors and now Im much more cautious about bringing them into my home especially any pre-owned ones. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life. Most experts also say that a mirror facing the bed depletes your personal energy and creates sleeplessness. The day that there was no mirror facing my bed i was like im the boss in the room. My sleep is precious to me I shouldve done this a long time ago. Then the idea of animal testing to see which animal can assess themselves in a mirror. Hi Sheetaal, Im truly sorry for your loss Sending you my best wishes. DO use large mirrors in tiny rooms. Never imagined such extreme could be the affects or was it in our fate. Legend says she may scream at you, or even reach through the mirror and wrap her cold hands around your throat. 13. That being said, make sure you put a lot of muscle behind the break! Based on my experience, this also depends on the person. Why working out in front of a mirror could be hurting you. They were having paranormal phenomena in the house including objects flying off walls and shelves and breaking, hearing voices, seeing things, orbs, shadows. It worked! Brass Mirrors were to hang above idols in China. The ads range from drugs to products that stop you from snoring, all of them promising a better good nights sleep. Im Ben my Nigeria, I moved to this new place recently which has mirror on the sliding door of the closet, placed perpendicular to the bed. I just moved my bed facing the mirror and the sleep is just the same. Hi Bob, Thanks for your great input!! If you suspect that it is affecting how you rest, cover the mirror or move it somewhere else. And feel like i am powerless. If you were scared by yourself like the person from the video, it may be hard for you to go back to sleep. check ourselves out. Test and see whether you experience any improvements or not. Spiritual energy needs to be heightened 8. Sorry if I cant be of help here. How about just removing the mirror instead of breaking it? In this guide, we expose the top mirror myths and superstitions, ranging from Bloody Mary to broken mirrors. I am a believer because I have noticed other changes apart from this And its total shift of energy . So to all of our blissfully aware readers, keep on keepin on. Despite of those scary dreams I keep praying to heal my mind. Do you have a mirror facing your bed? If it works, perhaps consider changing your headbox. low in confidence, feeling insecure about future, disliking my job are some symptoms i am facing. Mirrors reflect light rays such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. OK, let's say, you do not believe what I wrote above, because you have not had an experience in the astral plane. Heres a video that helps you visualize this experiment. Of all the nonsense." He stopped laughing. It is used to asses childhood mental development on the ideas of self-consciousness. I am begging and warning you. It disrupts the tranquillity needed in a bedroom for better sleep." I'm not sure if this is true, but no harm in complying. First off I would never look in a mirror at midnight. Mirrors are fantastic for reflection as we know, but theyre also great for reflecting sounds. My bed is against one wall and on the opposite side is a dresser with the mirror. You get anxious easily 9. If you dropped a mirror and it somehow managed not to shatter, good luck will be coming your way. -Victor. My story is I use to live in Ewa Beach called Soda Creek. D. toward which light rays converge and pass through. once it detects any collision,then turns off after locked a 30-second emergency video.In this way,the car battery will never be drained out even parked for long time,this should work with hardwire kit(not included . I need to state that mirrors are like Quija boards. Then we started reading about its affect on Internet but he didnt take it seriously. It was horrible, Im never going to sleep in front of a mirror again ! He saw the face of an old man when he was looking at the reflection of his own face. While looking into a mirror after being married brings good fortune; gifting a mirror to newlyweds isnt quite the same. Good some days and not so good. Here are three of the most popular concepts (or myths) about what might happen to us if we have a mirror facing the bed that we sleep in. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Taking it down was the best decision I couldve made. One thing that Ive learned in my studies so far can you see shadows? My question is with regards to placement of this mirror which suspends from a door. It has different effects for different people I know a few thats scared of mirrors because they were spooked by movies. Hi John, Creepy indeed and glad it worked. Hi Fe, Try it out and see what happens. Insomnia is can also be caused by the mirror placement as a result of draining a person's energy due to the fact a mirror "doubles and bounces" the room's energy. If I even saw anything in that mirror but myself I would literally run out of the house screaming and sleep outside. These movements will distract your sleep, sometimes raising your alertness and waking your survival instincts. I need to talk to someone who really knows about a mirror. Let me know if you need my service: -Victor. But yes, covering the mirror with a cloth would work. Hi Victor. You know who tamed me,no one! Now when there was a mirror it seems like everything comes to me was bad. Reflecting, i didnt really feel depleted of energy, it was rather being filled with a vibe, that fills you with bad wired energy. Aside other odd things that happened what I ended up doing ultimately was cover one side of my mirror closet which my bed was at. Some experts say that a mirror reflecting the bed brings nightmares. My 6ft 2in son slept like this and was killed in car accident 2 year ago, his neck was broke. we are here cos we believe. They believe that when a soul leaves this world, it leaves a void. Seeing our reflection being touched tricks our brain into believing as if we are actually being touched. -Victor. December 20, 2021 by Lucia. Your email address will not be published. -Victor. I didnt really have the room for the free standing oval type mirror so I recently found one that hangs on a door. According to the principles of feng shui, mirrors are a powerful tool when it comes to increasing lighting and reflecting energy. But what if you could see who your future soul mate actually was? Sleeping in front of a mirror that faces other mirrors is not good. Mist film: Similar to the white matte film, this film provides privacy from outside viewers during the day while allowing some visibility from inside. Everyone is unique in their own ways, and it is important to observe and pay attention to yourself on how the mirror is affecting you. As for objects thats never been used, I think its still safe. The Feng Chui experts consider it bad because it may result in undesired consequences like nightmares, insomnia and depleted energy. Im glad to hear that youre sleeping well now!!! -Victor. Not dangerous if you have a helper B. 10 seconds are not the worst scenario, if you did you can move on in atleast 30-60 minutes if you succeed to engage yourself in other thing. -Victor. If a mirror is reflecting a dark object, sleeping in front of a mirror is a bad sign. The notion that you're not supposed to sleep in front of a mirror comes from feng shui. When you look into mirror with someone, it is said to create an alternate universe where the two souls can live on, together forever. Youre in luck. -Victor, Strange things happened. I would be too freaked and terrified. Due to the COVID pandemic my partner and me moved to a hotel-apartment for the time being, hence it was cheaper then keeping our apartment. This is partially due to symbolism, because marriages are supposed to last forever and mirrors are very fragile or prone to breaking (Unless its one of our acrylic mirrors!). When it was touched, they also felt the sensation in the phantom limb. How Arguments Go. You should be ashamed and must take priority in fixing that above all else first before trying to fix others or other things. A virtual image is one: A. toward which light rays converge but do not pass through. So iv just moved back into my mums house its quite and old place, but she bought it about 4 years ago. 4. From my observations, not everyone is bothered by a mirror facing the bed. It could be the food we eat right before bed, our irregular sleep schedule, and other bedroom feng shui that affects sleep. -Victor. On the complete opposite wall of this door and of the wall in the loft is a sliding glass door, however, this mirror would not reflect anything from that sliding glass door since its in a 2nd floor. I moved my tv to face my bed more and my insomnia got worse. Uncle Dixer has a simple solution to your question: -Victor. please guide what can i do to make life more happy in marriage. It just didnt feel right. Photo by Annette English . This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. -Victor. But whats trippy is that when the sound is reflected from the mirror, you mind may get confused because itll feel as if the sound was coming from the mirror. When you turn your bedroom lights off, you are creating the perfect setting to see this strange phenomenon, assuming if you have a mirror facing the bed and you can see the reflection of your face. As beautiful as the giant bedroom mirrors are, placing the mirror elsewhere may not be a bad idea if youre superstitious! -Victor. I read last week that you shouldnt have the tallest member of a family facing a mirror with sight of head chopped off. You will start to see your face getting deformed. This will tell you how much you truly understand yourself and how much you hate it. Hi Derrick, Not so scary for you! Hi Dolly, The mirror could be just one of many culprit. The movie: "Network" (1976) The misquote: "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" The real quote: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" There are a few different reasons why you shouldn't look in the mirror at night. Dont go playing with fate though. Interesting read Ive always been fascinated by mirrors Thanks for posting! Looking forward to reading more of your articles. I kinda over-did it. Your husband-to-be will appear in the mirror to catch the ninth slice of apple. You can just run the bar of soap across the mirror very lightly and that will be enough. However, I have a low bed and the mirror is set high on the I cant see my reflection when laying down. Today, many people hang mirrors across their front door to reflect negative energy away and protect the home. -Victor. Then, take the ninth slice and throw it into the mirror. Part of the experiment was conducted on subjects with just one hand. Save. Just stop man please, stop. Thanks Nikhat! What to do about it alive for being Protestants just want the experience although a man in mirror. After I tell the story you can just run the bar of soap across the mirror is facing bed. 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