dutch trains wind power snopes

No I live in Scotland a potential world leader in renewable technology according to our government! You buy green energy elsewhere to offset your fossil fuels. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. In August 2015, a meme posted to the Google+ group "The Secret Society of Anti-AGW-ACC Cultism," an organization that claims climate change is a hoax, reproduced the words allegedly written by Thomas Homer-Dixon, the Associate Director of the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, on the subject of windmills. Wind power now supplies about 10% of Belgiums electricity, so power imported from the Belgian grid will be about 10% wind. In Norway 132,2 million guarantees of origin for hydro power were issued in 2014, corresponding to 132,2 Twh. But in reality, the commercial parties are making a double killing: getting free money throughout the FIT contract (paid for 100% by households) *and* profiting from the PR value of presenting themselves as selflessly investing their own money in wind and solar energy for the planet. These sites are also surveyed centrally by the government allowing developers to avoid costly and multiple surveys.[11]. You all know very well that this is just about who gets your money and what they will do with it. Its standard accounting practice. It is a pity that they are allowing so many onshore/offshore wind turbines to blight our green and pleasant land and sea. Railway Gazette reports that NS records about 1.2 million passenger-journeys per day, with an annual energy requirement for 1.2 billion kWh. I do not know why this is, maybe a different ethane ratio? The problem with the high costs for heating in France is the really poor quality of the dwellings, their poor insulating and cheap quality whatever means of heating one uses its literally money thrown away. They hope to reduce the energy used per passenger by a further 35% by 2020 compared with 2005. But its a funny read. The Dutch government has set a target of 6,000 MW nameplate capacity of onshore wind power by 2020 (not met, as per the data above) and 4,450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. It is 100% powered by electric. All renewable energy gets paid the FIT out of the so-called SDE budget. Windmills have historically played a major part in the Netherlands by providing an alternative to water driven mills. The evidence speaks for itself. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. As of Jan. 1, 600,000 daily train passengers have been traveling completely carbon neutral, according to an announcement from the Netherlands principal passenger railway operator, NS. The turbines have a hub height of 135 metres (443ft) and each new turbine can generate as much electricity as all 50 turbines of the old wind farm combined. Switch them back on by degrees. What is clear is that most of those electrons didnt originate from wind turbines. It probably has a lower calorific value, a greater CO2 content (up to 30%/40% from some sources), and your local regs may insist it be odourised. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. There is a way of saying this, which characterises this behaviour, but I cant write it here because it is not politically correct too bad. But you can arrange for a proxy burn of biogas in another state, say Colorado, and buy the rights to say you consumed it. Obvious to the meanest intelligence. Half of that total is expected to come from foreign sources in Scandinavia and elsewhere, with the rest generated in the Netherlands. As Brightvibes noted, a decreasing and relatively small number of Dutch trains are still running on diesel. There are several Dutch turbine manufacturers that continue to manufacture both large and small installations for domestic and international clients. Good for saving valuable hydrocarbons for something more useful than burning them, and they really can supply all my electricity 24/7 that way. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. According to Thomas Homer-Dixon, wind turbines never recoup the energy it takes to build them. Do the Netherlands trains really run on http://elering.ee/cross-border-physical-flows/, http://ast.lv/eng/power_system/current_situation_in_power_system/state_of_power_system/, http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/sistemos-duomenys/79, Antidotes were hard to find this week as one cheering message after another was debunked only Positive News was buoyant | C 3000: antidote to gloom, International Energy Agency Electricity Production Statistics for OECD Countries 2014 2016 | Blogging about energy and transitioning to clean energy, Drone Strike on Saudi Arabia Knocks out 5% of Global Oil Supplies, Grazing, desertification and climate change. Its 50Hz in the Netherlands and most of the planet apart from (mainly) the US, Canada and half of Latin America. Since 2015 there has been a trend towards the deployment and planning for large wind farms, both onshore and offshore, with a view to the approximate tripling wind power capacity from 2015 levels by 2023. Thus, all of NE has the same energy mix, i.e., there is not one mix for VT, another for NH, or one mix for the Netherlands, another for Germany. Whilst there are a growing number of large onshore wind farms in Holland, most of the onshore farms in 2015 consisted of a large number of small wind farms, including many single installation turbines as well as farms of between 110 turbines. Wind farmsboth onshore and offshoreare regarded as a key component in renewable energy policy and an important tool in mitigating the risks of climate change. I have no wind records for the Netherlands but P.F. No direct subsidies from the government are related to this contract.. Stations are heated using heat exchangers, green gas or green electricity. Instead of trains recovering energy for their own use, any excess power is directed to a centralized bank of lithium-ion batteries. The wholesale price of GOs seems to be a mere 0.36/MWh or so. Homer-Dixon, Thomas. For offshore wind a new system of tendering is under development. By tapping into both domestic and foreign sources of wind power, it [ensures] that there is always sufficient green power available on the grid for rail companies, even if the wind is not blowing, the company explained. I am laughing. This passage was written by David Hughes. The 113,3 Twh exported far exceeds the actual exports of course, but were good business for the power companies selling their power twice. NS consumes 1.2 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity each year, which is the equivalent of 1% of the Netherlands' electricity consumption, or the total electricity consumption of all the households in Amsterdam. The historical land of windmills is leading the charge in wind energy development. In fact, an investigation by Energy Matters finds that the electrified portion of NS mainly runs on electricity derived from coal and natural gas. [62], Installed land-based wind capacity (MW) by. As Enecos account manager Michel Kerkhof pointed out, the key objective is to avoid procuring energy from the limited existing number of sustainable energy projects in the Netherlands, thus promoting renewable growth both domestically and Europe-wide., This partnership ensures that new investments can be made in even newer wind farms, which will increase the share of renewable energy, Kerkhof continued. The first two are feel good justifications that have no practical impact. According to a government web page ( now removed!) In 2020 wind power provided 11.54% of the Dutch electricity generation (see table above) while solar power provided an additional 7.25% for a combined 18.79% - easily meeting the target without taking other renewable sources into account, even though the target for onshore wind capacity was not met. And no facts will ever get in the way of a true believer . 150, 200, 225, 300, 500, 750, 850 and 1300kW. Sign up for our email newsletter! The fund is paid for by adding a surcharge to household electricity bills. It`s a scam. Whats the trick? [1] [2] [7] The project cost $272 million and is cooperatively owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the Dutch utility company Nuon. The 129 MW Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm is located 23km off the coast between Zandvoort and Noordwijk cities in the Netherlands. You bet. They arent directly powered by wind. That means electrons traveling across international borders to help power the NS railway system come in some amount from wind power, but in much larger amounts from non-wind sources. Updated [5 February 2019]: Original version of this article attributed this quote to Thomas Homer-Dixon. I paid 1100 Euros/year for a 150 m2 house, at 1000 m altitude on the French alps, heating, hot water, everything included. The national railway company, NS, said that its renewables target had been met a year earlier than planned. Started operation in 2001 and is developing a 6,000kW two blade downwind turbine. This article was amended on 11 January 2017. Two of the models are still under production. We do something like this California with biogas. An Eneco and NS joint website. In 2017, our trains in the Netherlands became the first in the world to run for 100% on wind energy, giving travellers the option of travelling without CO2 emissions. Apart from the first rather obvious problems, anyone with the most basic understanding of electrical enrgy, as taught before 16 at school, would immediately know this was a wholly untrue technical assertion., Thats the whole point, Brian There are hardly any people with a basic understanding of electrical energy If most would have an understanding, there would be no renewables at all The whole charade would not even have started in the first place , Just as Otter says above, on different forums, lots of people are claiming Im 100% renewable (because I have a 100% RE contract with Essent, or Lampiris, or Belpower, or ENI, or ), Neither humour (so you got all the wind power this morning, because there was none left for me !, nor hard facts (for the 8-day period 27/12 03/01, that I just took a look at for another discussion, Wind and Solar provided a grand total of 4.6% of all electricity used in Belgium Was that enough for all of them 100% RE contracts ? As of January 1, all electric passenger trains on the Dutch rail network have been run on wind energy, according to a statement from operator NS (via EcoWatch ). NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction, writes author Roger Andrews. Willem, you dont feel deprived by having 60Hz in the US. If you would like to know more, click here. Many of the numerous smaller and older wind farms in the Netherlands consist of much smaller turbines compared to those typically deployed today. power for over 400,000 households every day, a figure roughly equivalent to the number of households in the Northern Netherlands.[13]. As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power. Our ambition is also to use more of our own resources (buildings, property) to generate sustainable energy. In fact, he allowed that a windmill situated at a good location could pay back the energy costs of creating it in under three years, but that aspect was omitted from the memed version of his quote: The concept of net energy must be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. The US city of Philadelphia has taken regenerative braking to a new level though. Imports from the German grid, however, will contain about 14% wind power, although not wind power that NS has contracted for. Reply to Rod above went to the wrong place and left off the smiley after Albania. There are ~40 utilities with sharp price competition in NL. Eneco has agreed to supply 1.4 terawatt hours (TWh) of wind-sourced power by 2018, which is roughly the same amount of energy consumed by all the households in Amsterdam, the capital city. Its own wind farms, built in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, and Sweden, aim to generate enough energy to fulfill NS's demand of about 1.4 terawatt-hours for 2017 (enough to power a million . But none of this wind power is directly connected to the NS rail system. As well as the technological problems discussed in this blog can we afford this destruction of our landscapes pursuing this RE dream. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction. Active 2016. . Still don't like the disingenious advertisement thought. Do the claims about Netherlands trains also require further explanation? So how does NS justify the claim that all Dutch trains run on 100% wind power? PV in Germany, and Energiewende in general, will go down in history as a useless waste of money, a financial disaster which will be used for decades to come as a bad example of ideology-driven energy policy. NS and Eneco first announced their plan of a wind-powered railway in 2015 in order to drastically slash train ride emissions. More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). At a good wind site, the energy payback day could be in three years or less; in a poor location, energy payback may be never. Nevermind the entirety of it. Surprisingly, even the electricity is sourced from windmill electric generato. Good for Nederlandse Spoorwegen. That would meet approximately 75% of the countries electricity needs. It's a bit of smoke and mirrors but it helps to subside more expensive forms of generation. [61] A further 228 MW of installed capacity will be added when completed. , I am told Biogas is not actually allowed in our pipeline system.. EDF was 13.44p but I keep reading comments about how RE fans should take electricity only from PV and wind turbines, so I decided I should do the same. Yeap. That is, a windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it. The Nuclear Humanist 1.75K subscribers 40 Dislike Share 814 views Jul 23, 2017 The Dutch Railway Corporation. [20] An additional 228 MW of capacity was installed at sea. Smaller turbines are often used for off grid, bespoke and community power internationally. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. 01-13-17 Dutch Railways' Electric Trains Now Run On 100% Wind Energy Now 1.2 million people per day can commute without raising their carbon footprint. [2] [6] The wind park was developed off the coast of IJmuiden by Econcern and Eneco Energie, at a total cost of $522.3 million.[6]. If there was a utility providing KiteGen power I would sign up with them. [20], The Rachel Carson wind farm (also known as the Eemmeerdijk Wind Park.) Initially, trains in the Netherlands were set to run entirely on renewable energy by 2018. The GoOs trade at a premium and help to subsidise the production. Transmission costs of 1.4 eurocent/kWh is to be added as TenneT is required to take power from sea to shore. Even cheap electricity doesnt change anything. Physically it makes no difference as you say, but as HeavyWeather pointed out above my money is now going to fund reactors not Energiewende, so Im happy. Ah, so they're contracted for wind energy offset, not 100% wind energy powered. Willem, forgive the pedantry, but its the second time you said it. When the train doesn't run, NS schedules buses instead. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar. How Sustainable and Ethical Is the Tuna at Your Supermarket? The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nation's share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. The 600,000 daily. ) can ever bring them off balance They dont understand, but they believe ! This energy is directly traceable to individual wind farms, because we use the GVO European Certification System. Homer-Dixon did not write this viral quote, but he did comment on it in a May 2018 blog post entitled: "No . Only 18,9 Twh were bought in Norway, the rest sold abroad. Some of the nations that supply power to NS such as Germany, Belgium, and Finland, do generate wind power, but only in modest amounts. A book co-edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon contained a passage stating that windmills "might never generate as much energy as was invested in building [them]." While it was originally used to pump water or grind grain, wind is now helping Dutch commuters get to work. Consumers in NL can choose suppliers that deliver 100% renewable, or 100% wind, or 100% dutch generated wind, etc. EV Use Is Growing, But Where Are The Chargers. Claims that Dutch trains running entirely on wind power are way off track. These wind turbines generate enough power to sustain the equivalent of 2.4 million homes. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. I have just signed up with EON at 9.4p per Kwh, It is common for major companies to claim they use renewable or carbon-free power only, on the grounds of green certificates. [13] The wind farm demonstrates the growth in scale in wind power as between 1987 and 1991 it was the largest of its kind in Europe with 50 turbines and a total nameplate capacity of 15 MW. When you dont know reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs . NS first announced their target for a wind-powered train fleet back in 2015, but they've hit their target a year earlier than planned - way ahead of their 2018 goal. "Carbon Shift: How Peak Oil and the Climate Crisis Will Change Canada (and Our Lives) Paperback." However the electricity is delivered to the train, once its there, it is used to power lights, and air-conditioning, as well as the traction motors, which are what turn the trains wheels. 15ct/kWh, 100%hydro, no nuclear or gray labeled power bought for pumping. Directly traceable to individual wind farms, because we use the GVO European Certification system recoup the it! 2018 blog post entitled: `` no schedules buses instead energy as was invested in building.. 50Hz in the Netherlands used for off grid, bespoke and community power internationally national railway company, schedules! How sustainable and Ethical is the Tuna at your Supermarket the rest generated the... 150, 200, 225, 300, 500, 750, 850 1300kW... [ 61 ] a further 228 MW of installed capacity will be added completed... Trains also require further explanation meet approximately 75 % of Belgiums electricity so. 24/7 that way to 132,2 Twh ever bring them off balance they dont understand, but the! 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